(A) The Community Development Department will be responsible for the processing and review of the building demolition permit application. As part of the review process, an inspection of the property may be performed by the Community Development Department to determine the condition of the property to be demolished.
(B) Upon receipt of a building demolition permit application, the Community Development Department shall notify the real estate property taxpayers of the properties immediately adjacent to the property which is the subject of the demolition through the U.S. mail. A general notification sign shall be placed on the subject property by the permit applicant. For commercial properties, such sign shall be erected within ten feet of each public road or right-of-way line abutting the property. If no public road or right-of-way abuts the property, a sign shall be placed in the position on the property where the public can most readily see it or, if permission can be obtained from the owner of an adjacent property, within ten feet of the right-of way line of the nearest most-traveled road. For residential properties, the sign shall be located within ten feet of at least one public road or right-of- way line abutting the property. Adjacent property owners and other members of the public may thereafter provide written comments or objections regarding the demolition permit application to the Community Development Department.
(C) The Community Development Department will either issue a building demolition permit for the demolition according to the provisions of this section, or prepare a written report denying the issuance of a building demolition permit. A copy of the report will be provided to the applicant, and to any person who has requested to review the report pursuant to §§ 30.01 et seq. of this code (Freedom of Information).
(D) Any building demolition permit approved by the Community Development Department shall not be issued until 15 days after notification to the adjacent property taxpayers as detailed in division (B) herein.
(E) The demolition of a building may also be processed as part of an annexation, subdivision, zoning, or special use permit application. Any such application which includes the proposed demolition of a building must include their permit application referenced in § 153.02.
(Ord. 90-26, passed 11-13-90; Am. Ord. 98-23, passed 9-22-98; Am. Ord. 01-55, passed 3-26-02; Am. Ord. 03-48, passed 1-27-04; Am. Ord. 06-19, passed 10-10-06; Am. Ord. 22-24, passed 8-23-22)