The Fire Code adopted in § 150.14 of this chapter is hereby amended as follows:
   (A)   Section 101.1 (Title) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of the City of Oakbrook Terrace and are hereinafter referred to as the “Fire Code.”
   (B)   Section 103.1 (General) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The bureau of fire prevention is a subdivision or agency of a fire district, or jurisdiction that is responsible for fire prevention duties, including, but not limited to, code enforcement, conduct of fire inspections, public education, fire investigations, the keeping of records, and any other activity that may have as its ultimate purpose, the prevention of fire and the reduction of life and property loss from fire and explosion within the boundaries of either the York Center Fire Protection District or the Oakbrook Terrace Fire Protection District as they may have jurisdiction within the city. This subdivision or agency may be known as the Fire Prevention Bureau, Bureau of Fire Prevention, or other such similar names.
   (C)   Section 103.2 (Appointment) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The person in general charge of the bureau of fire prevention shall be appointed by the board of trustees of each fire protection district with jurisdiction in the city, with the advice of the fire chief of each respective district.
   (D)   103.3 (Deputies) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The fire chiefs of the respective fire protection districts with jurisdiction in the city may detail such members of the district as fire inspectors or code enforcement officials as shall, from time to time, be necessary and may employ those with special technical expertise as necessary.
   (E)   Section 104.1 (General) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The bureaus of fire prevention of each fire protection district with jurisdiction in the city, which are hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the fire chief of each respective district, shall enforce the city’s fire code. The fire code official shall have the authority to render interpretations of this code, and to adopt policies, procedures, rules and regulations in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, policies, procedures, rules and regulations shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this code and shall not have the effect of waiving requirements specifically provided for in this code.
   (F)   104.8 (Modifications) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The respective bureau of fire prevention of each fire protection district with jurisdiction in the city shall have the power to modify any provisions of this code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this code, provided that the spirit of the code shall be observed, public safety is secured, and substantial justice is done. The particulars of such modifications when granted or allowed and the decision of the bureau of fire prevention shall be entered upon the records of the respective districts, and a signed copy shall be furnished to the applicant and the city.
   (G)   Section 105.1.1 (Permits required) is deleted and the following is substituted:
   All new buildings including single family housing are required to have a certificate of occupancy issued by the Community Development Department of the city for incorporated areas, which verifies that the building meets the requirements of the code. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the building is in conformance with the requirements of this code. The certificate of occupancy shall be required for all existing buildings and for new buildings under construction.
   (H)   Section 105.1.2 (Types of permits) is deleted without substitution.
   (I)   Section 105.2 (Application) is deleted and the following is substituted:
   Application for required certificates of occupancy in the city shall be made to the Director of Community and Economic Development. The city shall determine criteria, limitations and duration of permits and shall not issue a certificate of occupancy until all requirements are met. The city agrees to notify the bureau of fire prevention of the affected fire protection district when such a certificate is issued.
   (J)   Section 105.3.3 (Occupancy prohibited before approval) is deleted and the following is substituted:
   Certificates of occupancy shall be required for buildings which change use, and building permits shall be required for buildings that are added to, remodeled or altered.
   (K)    Section 105.3.5 (Posting the permit) is deleted and the following is substituted:
   After final inspection is completed by the bureau of fire prevention for any building located within the city, a certificate of occupancy will be issued by the city’s Community Development Department. A certificate of occupancy must be obtained before a tenant or owner can occupy and operate any business. In addition, a copy of the certificate must be kept on file at the place of business. For buildings located within the city, a notice of approval of final inspection will be supplied to the city’s Community Development Department.
   (L)   Section 105.4.1 (Submittals) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Construction documents shall be drawn to scale upon suitable material. Electronic media documents are allowed to be submitted when approved by the fire code official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as determined by the code official. All buildings except single family housing are also required to complete an application for building/life safety review at the fire station at the time prints are submitted for review. All fire protection plans shall be reviewed and approved by the bureau of fire prevention before construction starts.
   (M)   Section 105.1.1 (Permits required) is amended by adding the following new subsection: Plan review fees. The plan review fees applicable to this code shall be as provided in Chapter 154 of the city’s code of ordinances. Each of the fire protection districts with jurisdiction in the city has also adopted a schedule of plan review fees by ordinance,
   (N)   CHAPTER 105 (PERMITS) is amended by adding the following new section:
      105.8 New materials, processes or occupancies. After giving affected persons notice and an opportunity to be heard, the code enforcement officer may determine and specify which new materials, processes or occupancies that shall require building permits, in addition to those specifically set forth and enumerated in sections 105.6 and 105.7 of this code. The code enforcement officer shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his or her office, and shall make copies available for distribution to interested persons.
   (O)   CHAPTER 106 (INSPECTIONS) is amended by adding the following new section:
      306.5 Final inspection. All buildings, whether new construction, remodeled, redesigned or altered, must obtain a final occupancy inspection from the bureau of fire prevention of the affected fire protection district when work is completed. Final occupancy inspections must be scheduled no less than seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the inspection. The failure to receive a final occupancy inspection and receive a certificate of occupancy is a violation of this code.
   (P)   Section 108.1 (Board of appeals established) is deleted and the following is substituted:
   The city has not established a board of appeals for alleged violations of the code. When a code enforcement officer of a district shall deny an application, or when it is claimed that the provisions of this code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the code enforcement officer to the applicable district’s board of trustees within fifteen (15) days from the date of the decision appealed. The respective boards of trustees, acting as a board of appeals, may adopt rules of procedure for conducting their business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appealing party with duplicate copies tendered to the code enforcement officer and the city’s Community Development Department.
   (Q)   Section 109.1 (Unlawful acts) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Any person, firm or corporation who either knowingly or unknowingly violates any provisions of this code, or fails to comply with any order made hereunder, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved hereunder, or without first obtaining any certificate or permit issued hereunder, shall be in violation of this code and subject to penalties for the violations.
   (R)   Section 109.2 (Notice of violation) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      If, while performing an inspection, the code enforcement officer comes upon a non-life safety hazard, the owner or occupant will receive a copy of the inspection report with the violation(s) listed. The owner or occupant shall have thirty (30) days thereafter in which to correct these violation(s). A re-inspection will occur after the thirty (30) days, and if the violation(s) are still not corrected, a violation notice shall be given to the owner or occupant. The owner or occupant shall then have fifteen (15) days to correct the violation(s). If, after the fifteen (15) day period, the violation(s) have still not been corrected, a violation ticket will be issued. The owner or occupant shall have seventy-two (72) hours thereafter to correct the violation(s). If the violation is not corrected, the code enforcement officer shall direct the issuance of a non-traffic arrest ticket requiring a court appearance and subjecting the owner or occupant to fines and other penalties.
   (S)   Sec. 109.3 (Violation penalties) is deleted and the following is substituted:
   Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the Director of Community and Economic Development, a fire official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750), and each day a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
   (T)   CHAPTER 109 (VIOLATIONS) is amended by adding the following new sections:
      109.4 Life safety violations. If the code enforcement officer identifies a life safety violation, such violation shall be immediately cited and shall be remedied while the code enforcement officer is still on site. The owner or occupant on the premises at which any life safety violation has been identified shall automatically be issued a violation ticket. If a life safety violation is not immediately corrected, the code enforcement officer may declare the building unsafe pursuant to section 110 of this code, or issue a stop work order pursuant to section 111 of this code, until all life safety violations have been fully remedied.
      109.5 Continuing duty to remedy. The issuance of a penalty for a code violation shall not excuse the violation, and the owner or occupant on the premises shall not permit the violation to continue. All such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable amount of time. When not otherwise specified, each day that the prohibited code violations continue shall constitute a separate offense under this code.
   (U)   Section 110.2 (Evacuation) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      When, in the opinion of the code enforcement officer, there is actual and immediate danger because of hazardous conditions which endanger life or may cause adverse effects upon adjoining properties, the code enforcement officer may order the building immediately evacuated and cause remedial action as necessary. Violation tickets will be issued on site. The cost of any remedial action shall be borne by the owner of the premises. Persons notified to evacuate the building shall immediately leave the structure or premises and shall not enter or re-enter until authorized to do so by the code enforcement officer or his designee.
   (V)   The definitions of APPROVED, FIRE OFFICIAL and PUBLIC WAY are deleted from
      SECTION 202 (GENERAL DEFINITIONS) and the following definitions are substituted:
      APPROVED. A circumstance in which specific equipment, an installation or a procedure has been deemed acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
      FIRE CODE OFFICIAL or CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Any authorized individual assigned by a fire district to serve in an inspectional and fire prevention role within a bureau of fire prevention.
      PUBLIC ROADWAY. A public street right-of- way or public access easement.
   (W)   SECTION 202 (GENERAL DEFINITIONS) is amended by adding the following additional definitions:
      ADOPTING PARTIES. The city and both districts.
      AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. The organization, officer, or individual responsible for approval of specific equipment, an installation or a procedure.
      BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION. The bureau of fire prevention of the respective districts.
      CITY. The City of Oakbrook Terrace, DuPage County, Illinois.
      CORPORATION COUNSEL. The attorneys for the City of Oakbrook Terrace, the York Center Fire Protection District and the Oakbrook Terrace Fire Protection District, respectively.
      COUNTY. DuPage County, Illinois
      DISTRICTS. The York Center Fire Protection District, DuPage County, Illinois, and the Oakbrook Terrace Fire Protection District, DuPage County, Illinois.
      FIRE PREVENTION CODE or CODE. The city’s fire code, as adopted in § 150.14 of the city’s code of ordinances.
      HIGH RISE BUILDING. Any building that is greater than fifty feet (50') in height from the lowest area of fire equipment set-up or personnel entry.
      LIFE SAFETY VIOLATION. A code violation that constitutes a clear and inimical threat to human life, safety or public health.
      PRIVATE ROADWAY. A private street, road, parking lot, traffic lane or access drive.
      PROSECUTING COUNSEL. The city prosecutor for the City of Oakbrook Terrace.
      SPECIAL PERMIT. A permit issued by a district associated to uses permitted for a short period of time.
      VIOLATION NOTICE. The form used by city or a district in issuing a violation warning.
      ISOLATION TICKET. The form used by the city or a district in issuing a written notice prescribing penalties for specified code violations.
   (X)   Section 304.3 (Containers) is amended by adding the following new subsection:
      304.3.5 Packing materials. Wherever and whenever stock is dispensed directly from a shipping container and combustible material is used as a protective packing, such packing material shall be removed from the container and taken care of by removing to the outside in closed containers. Such containers shall be kept closed at all times except when removing stock therefrom.
   (Y)   SECTION 304 (COMBUSTIBLE WASTE MATERIAL) is amended by adding the following new section:
      304.4 Removal of packing and waste materials. No person shall store, in any building, excess amounts of combustible empty packing cases, wooden or plastic pallets, rubbish, paper bags, barrels, boxes, rubber tires, shavings, excelsior, litter, hay, straw and similar combustibles. Aisle-ways and storage of the above mentioned combustibles necessary for the performance of the business shall be kept in an orderly and neat manner. Combustible materials shall be removed daily or more often as is necessary to suitable vaults, bins, dumpsters, compactors or separate buildings. The fire code official shall approve such practices.
   (Z)   Section 503.1.1 (Buildings and facilities) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Public or private access shall be provided to each building so that the first responding fire department apparatus will be able to be so located that all points of the interior of the building may be reached by one hundred and fifty feet (150') of initial fire attack hose as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building. Access routes shall be so arranged that fire department apparatus may respond from all points for the building to adjacent fire hydrants along routes not to exceed three hundred feet (300') from the most remote point of the building to the closest fire hydrant. Access routes shall be continuous around the entire building, but the district fire chief or his designee may modify this requirement where adequate building access openings and a complete fire suppression system are provided.
      EXCEPTION: Where the size or height of the building does not allow this regulation to be met, an interior standpipe system equipped with fire department hose connections approved by the fire district may be allowed as an exception. The standpipe system must be connected to a public water system. Design and installation of the standpipe system shall meet the design criteria for Class I and III Systems as set forth in NFPA 14.
   (AA)   Section 503.2.1 (Dimensions) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Public or private access for motor fire apparatus shall be provided around the building so that there may be proper operation of ladders and mechanically elevated mechanisms. The minimum width of the fire lane shall be twenty feet (20') with greater widths to accommodate vehicles when turning and laddering buildings.
(AB)   Section 503.2.3 (Surface) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Public or private fire department access roads and ways shall be suitable for all weather conditions, and be properly maintained and accessible at all times. Such access roads and ways shall be a minimum six inches (6") of granular stone surfaced by at least two inches (2") of bituminous asphalt material or other such construction material acceptable to the fire code official.
   (AC)   Section 503.2.4 (Turning radius) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Public access for turning radius for fire apparatus shall be no less than forty feet (40') in width.
   (AD)   Section 503.2 (Specifications) is amended by adding the following additional subsection:
      503.2.9 Distance from building. Access roads shall not be less than fifteen feet (15') from the building and must be farther if a greater setback is required to properly ladder the building.
   (AE)   503.3 (Marking) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. Signs or notices shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility. Permanent all-weather signs identifying fire lanes and access ways shall be painted and posted by owner of the property, and curbs along the fire lane and access ways shall be painted yellow with black lettering stating “No Parking Fire Lane.”
   (AF)   Section 503.3 (Markings) is amended by adding the following new subsection:
      503.3.1 Fire lanes. Fire lanes on private property within the city shall be jointly approved by the police chief and fire chief, or their respective designees. The owners or operators of any public or private building located within a district will execute a “Fire Lane No Parking” contract with the city.
   (AG)   Section 503.4 (Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The parking of motor vehicles obstructing fire lanes or access routes shall be prohibited at all times. The roadway shall not have any obstructions less than thirteen feet six inches (13' 6") above the roadway.
   (AH)   Section 503.6 (Security gates) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus access road shall be approved by the fire chief. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation. The security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. All fence gates with padlocks or electric switches shall be capable of being opened with the Knox Box key used by the districts.
   (AI)   SECTION 503 (FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS) is amended by adding the following new section:
      503.7 Cul-de-sac access. Where cul-de-sacs are permitted, they shall not be less than ninety feet (90') in diameter. The maximum length of the cul-de-sacs shall be one hundred feet (100') for other than residential construction. Residential construction shall be in accordance with the city's subdivision ordinance.
   (AJ)   Section 505.1 (Address identification) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      All commercial and residential occupancies within the corporate limits of a district shall provide permanent all weather signage indication the fixed property address assigned to the property. Lettering shall be six inches (6") in height and shall contrast in color with the background color of the signage. The numbers must be positioned so that they are plainly visible from the street or roadway fronting the property.
   (AK)   Section 506.1 (Where required) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The fire chief shall require all new construction, remodel, redesign or alterations to a building to be equipped with an approved fire alarm system that consists of smoke and/or heat detection devices, and all buildings required to be equipped with a complete sprinkler system, along with emergency back-up generator, shall have an approved key box system: “Knox Box.” The purpose of the rapid entry key system is to allow the fire department to gain immediate access to a building in emergency situations without forcible entry.
   (AL)   SECTION 506 (KEY BOXES) is amended by adding the following new sections:
      506.3 Approval. The installation and location shall be approved by the bureau of fire prevention. The installation of the Knox Box shall be installed five feet (5') above the finished floor where applicable.
      506.4 Contents of Knox Box. The approved Knox Box shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire department.
      506.5 Knox Box alarms. The Knox Box shall be installed with a tamper switch. This switch shall be connected into the fire alarm panel of the building and be zoned separately on the panel and transmit a trouble signal to the fire alarm panel.
   (AM)   Section 507.1 (Required water supply) is amended by adding the following new subsections:
      507.1.1 Water supply—quantity. A flow rate of not less than one thousand gallons per minute (1000 GPM) shall be provided. The quantity of the water supply shall be proportionate with the hazards therein:
         1.   Town/Row or Cluster Housing - 1500 to 2000 GPM.
         2.   Apartment Type Construction - 3000 to 4000 GPM.
         3.   Industrial Type Development -3000 to 5000 GPM.
         4.   Research and Development Laboratories - 3000 to 4000 GPM.
         5.   Business and Commercial Areas - 3000 to 4500 GPM.
         6.   Mercantile Centers - 3000 to 6000 GPM.
         7.   Exceptions:
            a.   Higher flows may be required where more hazardous uses, manufacturing or storage are involved, The bureau of fire prevention shall determine when higher water flow is required.
            b.   One story buildings of fewer than 2,000 square feet (gross) in area are exempt.
            c.   Detached single-family residential units are exempt.
      507.1.2 Water supply - duration and pressure. Water supplies shall be available for not less than one hour in duration. Water supplies shall provide the required flow at no less than 20-psi residual pressure.
      507.1.3 Limited capacity water supply. Buildings except use groups H or I less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet in area (gross) may be serviced by an automatic water supply of limited capacity when approved by the bureau of fire prevention.
   (AN)   [Reserved.]
   (AO)   CHAPTER 5 (FIRE SERVICE FEATURES) is amended by adding a new section as follows:
      SECTION 511
      511.1 Elevator car requirements. On all new construction, remodel, redesign or alterations to a building which have passenger or freight elevator access, the bureau of fire prevention is requiring that one elevator must accommodate an ambulance stretcher of at least ninety-six inches (96").
   (AP)   Section 604.1 (Installation) is amended by adding the following new subsection:
      604.1.2 Backup power supply requirements. When the regular power supply to a building is interrupted, a back-up power source must be provided to restore the power to the fire alarm and suppression system, emergency lighting in stairwells, lighting in hallways, office areas and garages. This power source must maintain a continuous power supply to the building for minimum of seventy-two (72) hours or until the power is restored to the building.
   (AQ)   Section 604.4 (Operational inspection and testing) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Emergency power systems, including all appurtenant components shall be inspected and tested under load in accordance with NFPA 110 and NFPA 111. Emergency generators providing power to life safety systems and equipment shall be exercised on a weekly basis. Two (2) of these operational tests shall be classified as a full load test and shall be conducted semi-annually. Documentation of each full load test must be maintained by the property owner/manager for review by the code enforcement officer.
   (AR)   Section 607.1 (Emergency operations) is amended by adding the following new subsection:
      607.1.1 Elevator call recall. The elevator must accommodate a minimum of three persons and equipment. AH buildings over three (3) stories in height, on any type of fire alarm (pull stations, heat, and smoke detectors) shall recall to the first floor unless the activation is on the first floor, then the recall shall be to the floor above.
   (AS)   SECTION 703 (FIRE-RESISTANCE RATED CONSTRUCTION) is amended by adding the following new section:
      703.5 Hazardous areas. Rooms used for storage, boiler or furnace rooms, fuel storage, janitor closets, maintenance shops and kitchens shall be separated from other building areas by assemblies having a fire resistance rating not less than one (1) hour with appropriate protection of openings into the rooms.
   (AT)   Section 903.2 (Where required) is amended as follows:
      (1)   Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.10 are deleted and the following is substituted as Section 903.2:
      903.2 Where required. Approved automatic fire suppression systems shall be required as follows:
         1.   In any new building that is two (2) stories in height or thirty-five feet (35') in height, whichever is lower, except single-family detached residential use buildings.
         2.   In any new Assembly use (Use Group A).
         3.   In any new Transient Residential use (Use Group R-l).
         4.   In any new Multi family use (Use Group R-2).
         5.   In any duplexes (two (2)-flats) and town houses, and any R-3 residential uses.
         6.   In any new Residential Care/Assisted Living Facility use (Use Group R-4).
         7.   In any new Business use (Use Group B).   
         8.   In any new Educational use (Use Group E).
         9.   In any new Factories use (Use Group F).
         10.   In any new High Hazard use (Use Group H).
         11.   In any new Institutional use (Use Group I).
         12.   In any new Mercantile use (Use Group M).
         13.   In any new Storage use (Use Group S).
         14.   In any new Utility and Miscellaneous uses (Use Group U).
         15.   In any modified, altered or additional space within any existing building or structure that is increased in area by more than fifty percent (50%) for all use groups, except single family detached residential use buildings.
         16.   In any building or structure over five thousand (5,000) square feet that has a change in use, except when the use is changed to a single-family detached residential use building.
      (2)   Section 903. (Basements) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Where any portion of a basement is located more than seventy-five feet (75') (22860 mm) from openings required by Section 903.2.11.1, or if the basement area exceeds two thousand (2,000) square feet, the basement shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
      (3)   Section 903.2.11.3 is deleted without substitution.
      (4)   Section 903.2.11 (Specific building areas and hazards) is amended by adding a new Subsection 903.2.11.7, as follows:
      903.2.11.7 Glass openings (in a rated wall). Any opening that has a glass panel, including but not limited to sidelights, windows, glass doors, and/or similar openings, shall be protected by a specifically designed automatic sprinkler system. The sprinkler system shall include automatic sprinkler heads installed no further than eighteen inches (18) from the surface of the glass, and installed at six feet (6)
on center horizontally on both sides of the glass. The sprinkler system shall completely wet the entire surface of the glass when activated.
   (AU)   SECTION 903 (AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS) is amended by adding the following new section:
         903.7 Additional sprinkler requirements.
         1.   Property owners must provide a minimum of 10% or 5 psi minimum safety factor in the fire protection system hydraulic calculation. The system demand shall be 5 psi minimum below the seasonal low water flow test supply.
         2.   In multiple story buildings, the property owner must provide floor control valves with water flow switches and tamper switches for each floor in accordance with the city’s fire code, section 903.4.3.
         3.   On each drawing, the owner must provide a copy of the hydraulic nameplate by each hydraulically calculated area.
         4.   The appendices of all NFPA standards are to be considered to be part of each standard and are considered a mandatory portion of the standard.
         5.   Fire sprinkler system; fire pump test header:
            a.   Provide an OS&Y control valve on all fire pump test headers.
            b.   Provide an outside test header on fire pump installations.
         6.   Provide sprinkler protection in all rooms and areas, except that, in accordance with the city’s building code, section 903.3.1.2, where allowed in buildings of Group R, up to and including four (4) stories in height, automatic sprinklers shall be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R, except in bathrooms with an area of fifty-five (55) square feet or less, or in closets with an area of twenty-four (24) square feet or less and a width of less than three feet (3').
         7.   Provide an outside and or inside access door to the sprinkler riser valve room and fire pump room.
         8.   Provide a minimum two (2) hour fire separation sprinkler valve room and/or fire pump room.
         9.   Provide a check valve in each sprinkler riser.
         10.   All offices, assemblies, and residential buildings and areas shall be provided with residential and/or quick response sprinklers.
         11.   Kitchen hood suppression systems: All kitchen hood suppression systems shall be connected to the building tire alarm system. This shall be on a separate zone.
         12.   Redesign and remodeling: In all buildings where change of occupancy, redesign or remodel occurs, the sprinkler system must also comply. When half or more of the space in a building is being changed or modified, or an addition or relocation of twenty-five (25) or more sprinkler heads occurs, a hydrostatic test must be done. All nonconforming piping must be removed and brought up to current standard. The use of plastic piping is not allowed in any sprinkler systems in any building in the district at this time. (Except for residential occupancies four (4) stories in height or less, single family residences and townhouses).
         13.   All closets shall be protected with at least one head.
   (AV)   Section 905.2 (Installation standard) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Standpipe systems shall be provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with this section. Fire hose threads used in connection with standpipe systems shall be approved and shall be compatible with district hose threads. The location of district hose connections shall be approved. In buildings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in accordance with chapter 23. Standpipe systems in connection with and approved hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems shall maintain a minimum often percent (10%) or ten (10) psi pressure cushion (whichever is greater) between the seasonal low water supply and the total standpipe demand.
   (AW)   Section 905.3.1 (Height) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Standpipe systems shall be installed in accordance with this section and the following:
         1.   Building height: Standpipe systems shall be installed throughout all buildings that are two (2) or more stories in height or when there is more than one (1) story above the highest level of fire department vehicle access or when the floor level of the highest story is located more than thirty feet (30') above the highest level of fire department access.
         2.   All attached open parking structures shall be provided with an automatic wet or automatic dry standpipe system.
         3.   Warehouse storage hose valves; In all warehouse storage areas, where storage exceeds a height of twelve feet (121), the property owner must provide inside 2-1/2" fire hose valves with 1-1/2" reducers to the 1-1/2" connection. The property owner must locate the valves at each door entrance to the warehouse and/or storage area, and must further provide additional 2-1/2" fire hose valves so that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than one hundred and twenty feet (120') maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The property owner must show the location of all obstructions and/or racks on the drawing. The property owner must also maintain a separate riser piping system hydraulically calculated for a minimum of 250 GPM at 75 psi to the most hydraulically remote fire hose valve.
   (AX)   Section 905.3.3 (Covered mall buildings) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Standpipe systems shall be installed in all malls. All mall standpipe systems shall be off a separate independent riser with control valve, water flow device, and all related trim.
   (AY)   Section 905.10 (During construction) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Standpipe systems required during construction and demolition operations shall be provided in accordance with section 1413. Standpipes shall be required for buildings
under construction or demolition and may be temporary or permanent in nature, with or without a water supply, provided however, that such standpipes shall remain in service until completion of the work. The standpipe systems will be carried up with each floor and shall be installed and ready for use as each floor progresses. Standpipes shall not be more than one floor below the highest floor for staging.
   (AZ)   Section 907.2 (Where required - new buildings and structures) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      An approved manual, automatic or manual and automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with sections 907.2.1 through 907.2.23. Where automatic sprinkler protection installed in accordance with section 903.3.1 or 903.3.1.2 is provided and connected to the building fire alarm system, automatic heat detection required by this section shall not be required.
      An approved automatic fire detection system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72(s), Installation, Maintenance and Use of Protective Signaling Devices. Devices, combinations of devised, appliances and equipment shall comply with section 907.1.3. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternative type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms where, during normal operation, products of combustion are present in sufficient quantity to actuate a smoke detector.
      Approval of AFAs: The automatic fire alarm systems shall be approved for the particular application and shall be used for detection and signaling in the event of fire.
      Where required: The following are locations where a fire alarm system with automatic detection is required:
         1.   Residential uses: In buildings of use groups R-l, R-2, R-3 and R-4 as defined in the city's building code, where used as hotels, motels, lodging homes, dormitories, apartments, residential care/assisted living facilities and similar occupancies. All buildings having multiple mixed uses shall be equipped with an approved fire alarm system.
         2.   Assembly, educational and institutional use groups shall be equipped with an approved fire alarm system. This shall include assembly and educational uses with less than fifty (50) occupants.
         3.   Other uses: All other buildings one story and above in height and one story buildings over one thousand (1,000) square feet in area shall be equipped with an approved fire alarm system. Exception: R-3 and R-4 use groups.
         4.   All buildings in which any area shall be occupied by a single person(s) shall have installed an approved ADA horn/strobe and/or strobe as indicated by the fire prevention bureau. This includes but not limited to: offices, storage rooms, copy rooms, break rooms, restrooms, conference rooms, electrical rooms, file rooms, or where deemed necessary by the fire prevention bureau.
   (BA)   Section 907.2 (Where required - new buildings and structures) is amended by adding the following at the end:
      A primary power supply source shall be provided for operation of the system under normal conditions. A secondary power supply for operation of the system shall be an approved storage battery or engine driven generator.
   (BB)   SECTION 907 (FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS) is amended by adding the following new section:
      907.10 Additional alarm system requirements. The following additional alarm system requirements shall be applicable:
         1.   Any type of detection device (smoke, heat, combination devices, extinguishing systems, fusible linkage devices) shall be monitored and terminate at the approved fire alarm panel.
         2.   All fire alarm systems shall be electrically supervised. All fire alarm systems shall terminate at DuComm (DuPage Communications, Fire Department Dispatch Center), unless an alternative location is expressly approved by the bureau of fire prevention. All such approved locations shall be U.L. listed
central stations. Additionally, the bureau of fire prevention shall have the authority to require that any fire alarm systems terminate at DuComm in the event that the structure is deemed to constitute a “target hazard.”
         3.   All fire alarm systems shall be of the addressable type. No fire alarm shall be out of service for more than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.
         4.   Alarm indicating audio/visual appliances or devices shall be provided, and shall be able to be seen and heard in all areas of every building. All devices must be in sync. All sprinklered buildings shall be provided with audio/visual devices that activate on water flow. Full building notification is required. Audio devices must register 75db. above ambient room noise. Strobe devices must register a minimum of 15 cd in a room size 20 x 20 (reference NFPA 72 table
         5.   Automatic sprinklers. Where automatic sprinklers provide protection to an area, approved flow and tamper switches on all OS&Y valving must be supervised and interconnected to the fire alarm system.
         6.   Alerting devices. All alerting devices shall be ADA compliant and of an approved audio/visual type. All devices shall have a red base and read “FIRE” in white letters. All additional devices being installed must be compatible with the current fire alarm system in the building. If not, then no occupancy will be granted until all alerting devices work correctly within the entire building.
         7.   Outside alerting devices. All fire alarm and fire suppression systems shall have a weatherproofed outside alerting device of a type and at a location approved by the bureau of fire prevention. One weatherproof audio/visual device shall be located above the fire department Siamese connection.
         8.   Zones. Each floor of a building and each area over five thousand (5,000) square feet shall be separately zoned per floor. Each type of system/device (sprinkler, halon, pull stations, A/V devices, alarm, etc.) shall be zoned separately. Each
sprinkler system need only be zoned per floor. Manual pulls, A/V, and detectors shall be on separate zones per floor.
         9.   All low-voltage wiring must be run in conduit. The use of XL thin wall pipe is not allowed.
   (BC)   909 (Smoke control systems) is hereby amended by adding the following new subsection;
      909.16.1.1 Additional requirements. The following additional requirements shall be applicable to all smoke control systems;
         1.   The mechanical/automatic smoke management system shall be installed in all buildings. These buildings shall have an adequate and/or return air source to allow the system to operate properly.
         2.   The smoke management system shall be designed to operate manually. It may also be designed to operate automatically.
         3.   The location and design of controls for the mechanical smoke management system, including the pressurization of areas of a building, shall be at the location approved by the bureau of fire prevention and shall be at an easily accessible location.
         4.   Warehouse/storage facilities’ skylights shall be provided for manual smoke removal by the fire department. Skylight sizes shall be based on a 1 to 100 ratio.
         5.   For buildings less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet in area, windows that can be opened may be used for smoke control and removal. Where applicable, skylights and hatches may be used.
         6.   For buildings over fifty feet (50') in height, interior access corridors, and stairs and exit ways shall be provided with positive pressure.
         7.   The pressurization system may operate continuously or be activated by the alarm signal of the fire alarm or fire suppression systems. Manual controls shall be provided. The stairwell pressurization requirements, as outlined by the city’s building code, this code, and the NFPA shall be followed.
   (BD)   Section 913.2 (Protection against interruption of service) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The fire pump, driver and controller shall be protected, in accordance with NFPA 20, against possible interruption of service through damage cause by explosion, fire, flood, earthquake, rodents, insects, windstorm, freezing, vandalism and other adverse conditions. A primary power source for operation of the system under normal conditions shall be provided. A secondary power source for operation of the system shall be an approved engine-driven generator or secondary electrical feed.
   (BE)   Section 1001.1 (General) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with a means of egress system as required by this chapter. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design, construction and arrangement of means of egress components required to provide an approved means of egress from structures and portions thereof. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the maintenance and use of means of egress as provided in buildings and structures in accordance with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code 2003 Chapter 7, Annex A, current edition, and all provisions of this code. Sections 1003 through 1025 shall apply to new construction. Sections 1026 and 1027 shall apply to existing buildings.
      Exception: Detached one- and two-family dwellings, and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) that are not more than three (3) stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress, and their accessory structures, shall comply with the city's one and two-family residential code.
   (BF)   Section 1006.3 (illumination emergency power) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Emergency power supplies from an independent, approved reliable source (battery or automatic starting generator) shall be provided in all class rooms, offices, restrooms, storage/copy areas, electrical closets, stairwells, corridors, access routes and other components and/or spaces over two thousand (2,000) square feet in area and/or for any room or spaces with accommodations for
five (5) or more people may gather. Emergency lighting must remain illuminated for 1 1/2 hours in the event of failure of normal lighting.
      The emergency lighting system shall be arranged to provide the required illumination automatically in the event of any interruption of normal lighting, such as any failure of the public utility or other outside electrical power supply; the opening of a circuit breaker or fuse; or any manual act(s) including accidental opening of a switch controlling normal lighting facilities.
      Emergency generators providing power to emergency lighting systems shall be installed tested and maintained in accordance with NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.
   (BG)   Section 1006.3 (Illumination emergency power) is further amended by adding the following new subsections:
      1006.3.1 Battery requirements. Battery-operated emergency lights shall use only reliable types of rechargeable batteries provided with suitable facilities for maintaining them in properly charged condition. The batteries used in such lights or units shall be approved for their intended use and shall comply with the city's electrical code.
      1006.3.2 Testing of emergency power. Emergency lighting equipment shall be tested on a thirty (30) day interval for a minimum of thirty (30) seconds. An annual test shall be conducted for a Wi hour duration. Equipment shall be fully operational for the duration of this test. Written records of visual inspection and testing shall be documented by the owner and shall be kept on hand on the premises for inspection.
   (BH)   Section 1008.1.4.4 (Access-controlled egress doors). Paragraph 4, is deleted and the following is substituted:
      All electronic locking devices must deactivate on any type of fire alarm or power outage enabling fire department personal to enter the space and investigate the problem. All means of exit must be single action to exit the space. The bureau of fire prevention shall not allow electric push button usage in order to exit a space; however, motion sensors are allowed in order to exit a space.
   (BI)   Section 1008.1.9.10 (Stairway doors) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Interior stairway means of egress doors shall be able to be opened from both sides without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort. In all new buildings in which stairwell doors are locked from the inside of the stairwell, all stairwell doors must unlock upon any building fire alarm activation or building loss of power. If the building has an emergency generator or secondary emergency feed, these doors shall remain unlocked until regular power has been restored to the building. Upon an emergency building evacuation, the code enforcement officer may unlock all stairwell doors from the fire alarm control panel.
   (BJ)   Section 1021.1 (Exits from stories) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      All rooms and spaces within each story shall be provided with and have access to the minimum number of approved independent exits required by Table 1021.1 based on the occupant load, except as modified in section 3015.1 or Table 1021.2. For the purposes of this chapter, occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for stories. The required number of exits from any story, basement or individual space shall be maintained until arrival at grade or the public way. Notwithstanding any other provision in this code, all rooms or spaces with accommodations for fifty (50) or more people or over 1,500 square feet in area shall have two (2) separate means of egress.
   (BK)   Section 1408.4 (Fire protection devices) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The fire protection program superintendent shall determine that all fire protection equipment is maintained and serviced in accordance with this code. The quantity and type of fire protection equipment shall be approved by the bureau of fire prevention. Automatic fire alarm and suppression systems shall not be out of service for more than eight (8) hours for any construction, additions, alterations, maintenance or repairs without the approval of the fire chief or designated representative.
   (BL)   SECTION 1414 (AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM) is amended by adding the following new section:
      Section 1414.3 Firewatches. When any fire suppression system must be taken out of service for any length of time greater than eight (8) hours, a responsible person(s) shall be stationed at the control valve(s) to immediately activate the system in case of fire, or shall provide a firewatch which shall consist of walking each floor of the building every two (2) hours, or as the fire chief may determine.
   (BM)   Section 2404.12 (Portable fire extinguishers) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      At least one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 4A rating shall be provided in all tents and supported structures. The final placement shall be conducted by the bureau of fire prevention.
   (BN)    Section 3301.2 (Permit required) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The storage, handling and use of explosives and blasting agents are prohibited except by the issuance of a special permit issued by the bureau of fire prevention of the applicable district. Any violation of this section will result in the issuance of a violation ticket. The provisions of section 105.6 of this code shall otherwise apply.
   (BO)   SECTION 3301 (GENERAL) is amended by adding the following new section:
      3301.9 Motor vehicle routes for transporting explosives. Routes for vehicles transporting explosives and blasting agents are hereby established as follows:
            a.   Routes used must be approved by the state and federal governments.
            b.   Vehicle owners transporting these materials must give twenty-four hour advance notification of the transportation to the bureau of fire prevention of the affected district.
            c.   Special permits and any accompanying certificates, or bonds must first be issued by the following agencies: (1) the federal government, (2) the State of Illinois, (3) the county or city or (4) the bureau of fire prevention of the applicable district.
            d.   Any violation of this section will result in the issuance of a violation ticket.
   (BP)   Section 3404.1 (General) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The storage of flammable liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited except by the issuance of a special permit by the bureau of fire prevention of the applicable district. Any violation of this section will result in the issuance of a violation ticket. The provisions of sections 105.6 and 105.7 of this code shall otherwise apply.
   (BQ)   Section 3404.3.4 (Quantity limits for storage) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Liquid storage quantity limitations shall comply with sections 3404.3.4.1 through 3404.3.4.4. Notwithstanding any other provision in this code, portable tanks shall be limited to six hundred sixty (660) gallons in capacity.
   (BR)   Section 3406.1 (General) is amended by adding the following new subsection:
      3406.1.1 Motor vehicle routes for transporting hazardous chemicals and other dangerous articles. Routes for vehicles transporting hazardous chemicals and other dangerous articles including combustible and flammable liquids are hereby established as follows:
            a.   Routes must be approved by state or federal governments.
            b.   No tank vehicle shall be parked for over one hour or left unattended at any time.
            c.   Failure to comply with this section will result in an issuance of a violation ticket.
   (BS)   Section 3406.2.8 (Dispensing from tank vehicles) is amended by adding the following new subsection:
      3406.2.8.2 Dispensing from tank vehicles. Use of special dispensers such as coin; key or card operated devices, for self-service operation by the general public is prohibited.
   (BT)   Section 3406.5.4 (Dispensing from tank vehicles and tank cars) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Dispensing from tank vehicles and tank cars into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles shall be prohibited unless allowed by and conducted in accordance with sections 3406.5.4.1 through 3406.5.4.5. Flammable or combustible liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks, drums, barrels or similar containers. Approved pumps that take suction from the top of the container shall be used. Exception: Special permission is required when other methods are necessary due to the viscosity of the liquid.
   (BU)   Section 3406.6.1.2 (Leaving vehicle unattended) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      The driver, operator or attendant of a tank vehicle shall not remain in the vehicle cab and shall not leave the vehicle while it is being filled or discharged. The delivery hose, when attached to a tank vehicle, shall be considered to be part of the tank vehicle. No tank vehicle shall be left unattended on any lot, street, highway, avenue, alley or any other location, public or private.
   (BV)   CHAPTER 38 (LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES) is amended by adding a new section as follows:
      SECTION 3812
      3812.1 Bulk storage. The bulk storage of liquefied gases in excess of 1,000 gallons water capacity is prohibited except by the issuance of a special permit by the bureau of fire prevention of the applicable district. Any violation of this section will result in the issuance of a violation ticket.
   (BW)   CHAPTER 47 (REFERENCED STANDARDS): The city hereby adopts, by reference, the current editions of the NFPA's NATIONAL FIRE CODES & STANDARDS, published by the National Fire Protection Association, as follows:
      NFPA 1, NFPA 10, NFPA 11, NFPA 11-A, NFPA 12, NFPA 12-A, NFPA 13, NFPA 13-D, NFPA 13-E, NFPA 13-R, NFPA 14, NFPA 15, NFPA 16, NFPA 17, NFPA 17-A, NFPA 18, NFPA 20, NFPA 24, NFPA 25, NFPA 30, NFPA 30-A, NFPA 30-B, NFPA 33, NFPA 45, NFPA 51-B, NFPA 52, NFPA 53, NFPA 54, NFPA 55, NFPA 57, NFPA 58, NFPA 59, NFPA 59-A, NFPA 70, NFPA 70-B, NFPA 70-E, NFPA 72, NFPA 73, NFPA 75, NFPA 76, NFPA 77, NFPA 80, NFPA 80-A, NFPA 82, NFPA 85, NFPA 88-A, NFPA 90-A, NFPA 90-B, NFPA 91, NFPA 92-A, NFPA 92-B, NFPA 96, NFPA 97, NFPA 99, NFPA 101, NFPA 101-A, NFPA 10 LB, NFPA 102, NFPA 105, NFPA 110, NFPA 111, NFPA 160, NFPA 170, NFPA 203, NFPA 204, NFPA 211, NFPA 214, NFPA 220, NFPA 221, NFPA 230, NFPA 231-D, NFPA 232, NFPA 241, NFPA 251, NFPA 252, NFPA 253, NFPA 255, NFPA 256, NFPA 257, NFPA 258, NFPA 259, NFPA 262, NFPA 265, NFPA 268, NFPA 274, NFPA 285, NFPA 286, NFPA 288, NFPA 291, NFPA 750, NFPA 780, NFPA 1123, NFPA 1124, NFPA 1126, NFPA 1961, NFPA 1962, NFPA 1963, NFPA 2001, NFPA 5000.
      The city also adopts the most current edition of the AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION C502 (regulating use of hydrants).
   (BX)   Section C101.1 (Scope) in APPENDIX C (FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Fire hydrants shall be provided in accordance with this appendix for the protection of buildings, or portions of buildings, hereafter constructed. Water supplies shall be delivered under pressure to fire hydrants located as provided in section CI 02.1 of this appendix.
   (BY)   Section C 102.1 (Fire hydrant locations) in APPENDIX C (FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION) is deleted and the following is substituted:
      Fire hydrants shall be provided as follows:
         1.   Fire hydrants shall be located along public streets so that no portion of the building will be over one hundred and fifty feet (150') from a hydrant. Where this is not possible, additional hydrants shall be located on the premises in a manner accessible to motorized fire apparatus.
         2.   One hydrant shall be located at each intersection and intermediate hydrant where distances between intersections exceed three hundred feet (300').
         3.   In apartments, town houses, condominiums, town/row or cluster housing areas where streets or parking lots dead end, hydrants shall be placed along the access route.
         4.   A minimum of two (2) fire hydrants shall be located within three hundred feet (300') of the building.
         5.   Additional fire hydrants shall be provided within 300 feet to 500 feet of and around the building.
         6.   Hydrants shall be located:
            a.   Approximately ten feet (10') from all- weather roadways. If this cannot be done, the closest part of the hydrant shall be set back at least two feet (2') from the curb.
            b.   Approximately fifty feet (50') from the building to be protected.
         7.   Access to the hydrants shall be all- weather roadways adequate in width, clearance and strength for firefighting purposes. Such routes, including private roadways shall be maintained accessible during all seasons of the year. Specific approvals will be required for private roadways.
         8.   Fire hydrants used in conjunction with water supplies shall meet the standards of the AMERICAN WATER WORKS STANDARD No. C-502, and shall have two (2 1/2) inch and one (4 1/2) inch outlets with auxiliary gate valves on the hydrant branch line. Threads shall he AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD. Pumper outlets (4 1/2) inch outlet shall face the roadway.
         9.   Fire hydrants on private roadways shall be protected from accidental damage by approved methods when located in areas that are subject to vehicular damage.
         10.   It shall be unlawful to obstruct from view, damage, deface, obstruct or restrict the access to any fire hydrant or any fire department system connection, including fire hydrants/connections located on public or private roadways. All vehicles blocking such equipment shall be either moved immediately by the owner when notification is reasonably possible, or if not moved immediately, the vehicle will be subject to ticketing and towing according to local ordinances and specified private parking control agreements.
         11.   Hydrants shall be marked for location in wintertime by posting flags, posts, and/or signs on the ports, bonnet or behind the hydrant. Property owners or their hired contractor shall not bury any fire hydrant under snow on private or public roadways. All hydrants must have complete access around all ports and the bonnet. All snow that covers hydrants on private roadways shall be moved immediately by the owner after notification by the applicable district or the city’s police department. If not removed within one (1) hour of notification, the owner will be subject to ticketing according to local ordinances.
         12.   Where non-pressurized water systems are allowed, supplies shall be located not less than three hundred feet (300') from the building. Access to the supply shall be an all-weather roadway.
         13.   Where standpipes, fire department connections and/or sprinkler connections are located on buildings or parking structures, they shall have AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD threads. Fire hydrants shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet (100') from these connections.
   (BZ)   APPENDIX C (FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION) is amended by adding a new section as follows:
      SECTION CI 06
      C106.1 Water supplies for sprinkled buildings. Fully sprinkled buildings need only meet the design standard of NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, current edition. Water supplies for sprinkler systems may be supplied in accordance with NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, current edition.
(Ord. 05-19, passed 9-13-05; Am. Ord. 06-30, passed 11-28-06; Am. Ord. 08-3, passed 5-27-08; Am. Ord. 08-08, passed 7-8-08; Am. Ord. 09-48, passed 3-23-10; Am. Ord. 12-6, passed 2-14-12; Am. Ord. 22-24, passed 8-23-22)