No vendor shall violate any of the following restrictions on the conduct of its business:
   (A)   The business shall be conducted only in the location and at the times specified in the permit issued to the vendor;
   (B)   The size of the vendor's stand shall comply with the diagram submitted with the application and with the restrictions established in §112.18(A) (1) of this subchapter;
   (C)   The vendor's permit and the permit from the DuPage County Health Department for any equipment used in selling food and beverages shall be displayed at all times during the conduct of its business;
   (D)   No advertising shall be permitted on any stand, except for the posting of the vendor's prices, the name of the product sold, and the name of the vendor.
   (E)   The vendor's stand shall not be left unattended at any time.
   (F)   No food or beverages shall be sold for immediate consumption unless the vendor has a litter receptacle available for the use of patrons;
   (G)   The vendor shall not leave the location in which its business is conducted on any day without first cleaning the area and removing and. disposing of all trash or refuse remaining in the area from its sales;
   (H)   All items relating to the conduct of the vendor's business shall be in, on or under the vendor's stand;
   (I)   The vendor shall not set up, maintain or permit the use of any table, crate, carton, rack or any other device to increase its sales or the display capacity of the vendor's stand unless such devices were identified and described in the application and approved in the permit issued;
   (J)   No vendor shall solicit or conduct business with persons in motor vehicles;
   (K)   No vendor shall sell anything not identified in the application submitted and the permit issued;
   (L)   No sound devices shall be used to produce any noise to attract the attention of the public, including but not limited to any loud speaker, public address system, radio, sound amplifier or similar device;
   (M)   No vendor shall conduct its business without the insurance coverage specified in the insurance certificate submitted with the application; and
   (N)   No vendor shall conduct its business from a stand on the public sidewalk that is allowed to lean against or hang from any building or other structure that is lawfully placed on public property without the permission of the owner of the building or structure, or from a stand that is located within five feet of an entranceway to a building not owned by the vendor, within 50 feet of any driveway entrance to a police or fire station or within ten feet of any other driveway, or within 50 feet of a crosswalk at any intersection.
(Ord. 02-36, passed 10-22-02) Penalty, see § 112.21