It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any animal to do any of the following:
(A) To fail to keep any animal under restraint at all times;
(B) To permit any animal to be at large anywhere within the city;
(C) To permit any animal to enter any place where food is stored, prepared or sold to the public, or any public building or hall; provided that this prohibition shall not apply to any person having a disability who uses a trained guide or support dog, or to any animal hospital;
(D) To permit any animal to enter or remain on the premises of another person within the city without the consent of such person;
(E) To permit any animal to damage or destroy any property;
(F) To keep, harbor or maintain more than three dogs or cats of more than four months in age, or any combination thereof, upon any property within the city; provided that such restriction shall not be applicable to any animal hospital or pet shop in a zoning district where such uses are permitted in the city, and further provided that any person who owned or kept more than three dogs or cats of more than four months in age, or any combination thereof, as of June 15, 2003, shall be entitled to own or keep such animals until the number thereof is reduced to three by death, sale, or gift, after which such owner or keeper shall comply with this restriction;
(G) To keep any stable, poultry yard or pen, or any other place for the housing of any livestock in any place in the city;
(H) To keep, harbor or maintain any potbellied pig within the city, except as follows:
(1) No more than one potbellied pig shall be kept in any one residence;
(2) No potbellied pig shall be permitted outdoors other than for evacuation of waste material on the owner's or keeper's premises, for exercise periods on the owner's or keeper's premises which shall not exceed two hours per day, or for transporting such pig to and from the veterinarian or other necessary places. During any such transporting, the pig shall be leashed and under the control of the person in charge of the pig;
(3) No less than annually, any potbellied pig shall receive animal vaccinations for erysipelas and any other appropriate vaccinations from a veterinarian licensed by the State of Illinois, and certificates of such vaccinations shall be provided to any Animal Control Officer upon request;
(5) No potbellied pig shall be permitted to weigh more than 150 pounds or to exceed 22 inches at the shoulder. When the annual vaccination certificate from the veterinarian is issued, the veterinarian shall also provide the owner or keeper with documentation as to the height and weight of such pig, and such documentation shall be provided to an Animal Control Officer upon request.
(I) To own any animal which is known to be infected with any disease transmittable to other animals or main, including severe parasitism, unless such animal shall be confined in such a manner that it will not expose other animals or humans to such disease;
(J) To interfere in any way with any person who is known to be or who identifies himself or herself to be an Animal Control Officer or county employee or officer enforcing the provisions of this chapter or engaged in catching or impounding any animal under the authority of this chapter.
(Ord. 03-10, passed 6-24-03)
(A) The owner or keeper of an animal shall not suffer or permit such animal to bark, howl, cry or make other distressing or loud or unusual noise, or to disturb the peace and quiet of any place, neighborhood, family or person in the city. The disturbance of any neighborhood or person by any such animal is declared to be a nuisance if the owner or keeper allows or permits the animal to make such noise between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for a period of more than 15 minutes, or for numerous periods of time, regardless of the duration.
(B) The owner or keeper of an animal shall not keep such animal in any pen, stable, or other place which is unreasonably offensive to persons residing in any place or neighborhood in the city, or passing along any street or alley near the vicinity of such pen stable or other place. Such a pen, stable or other place may be unreasonably offensive for reasons including but not limited to debris, odors, or conditions which are hazardous to the health of persons residing nearby. Any such pen, stable, or other place is declared to be a nuisance.
(Ord. 03-10, passed 6-24-03)
At such intervals as may hereafter be promulgated by the Department of Agriculture, every owner or keeper of an animal that is four months or more of age shall cause such animal to be inoculated against rabies or other diseases as may be required by law, by a licensed veterinarian who, upon performing such inoculation, shall issue to the owner or keeper a certificate of inoculation and a rabies inoculation tag, if appropriate. If a rabies inoculation is required, the owner or keeper shall cause such tag to be attached to a collar or harness worn by the animal at all times, and the certificate of inoculation shall be provided to any Animal Control Officer upon request.
(Ord. 03-10, passed 6-24-03)