For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASHES. Residue from fires used for cooking, for heating buildings and from fireplace fires.
   CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. Any waste materials or refuse resulting from the demolition, construction, reconstruction, alteration or remodeling of a building, structure or part thereof, including paper, cartons, wood, plaster, plaster board, drywall, concrete, brick, block, rocks, paneling, metal, siding, roofing and similar materials.
   CUSTOMER. Any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation, or entity which owns or occupies any premises within the city.
   DISPOSAL FRANCHISEE. Any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or entity having an agreement with the city for the exclusive right to collect, transport and dispose of general refuse and landscape waste within the boundaries of the city.
   GENERAL REFUSE. Also known as SOLID WASTE, shall mean and refer to all solid waste, as defined by the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, § 3.53), which is not hazardous and other discarded or abandoned material including, without limitation, including garbage, rubbish, bulk items and building materials and construction or demolition debris, or other similar waste otherwise generated by residential, commercial units, and multi-family units. GENERAL REFUSE shall not include hazardous waste, recyclable materials, white goods or landscape waste.
   LANDSCAPE WASTE. All accumulations of grass or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs, trees and other materials accumulated as a result of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees.
   PERSON. An individual, firm, company, partnership, or corporation.
   PREMISES. Single-family home, dwelling unit, any industrial, commercial, retail or office building, motel, hotel, restaurant, school, church, club building, meeting place, parking lot, yard, vacant area and structure of any kind.
   RECYCLABLE MATERIALS. Newsprint; mixed paper (including magazines, telephone books, and catalogs, and the like); junk mail (including brochures, advertisements, fliers, and the like); other paper (including computer paper, stationery, envelopes, bills, greeting cards and brown paper bags); corrugated cardboard (not to exceed 3' x 3'); chipboard; glass (including all types of clear and colored glass bottles, jars and containers); plastics (including all plastic resin labeled PETE 1 and HDPE 2, and 6- and 12-pack plastic beverage rings and carriers); aluminum (including all types of aluminum food and beverage cans; formed aluminum containers; and aluminum foil); bi-metal (including all types of bi-metal food and beverage cans; empty paint cans; empty aerosol cans; all plastic resin labeled PVC3 (e.g., health and beauty aid bottles, and the like); all plastic resin labeled LDPE4 (e.g., plastic grocery bags, etc. certain yogurt and cottage cheese containers and other miscellaneous dairy product containers); all plastic resin labeled PP5 (e.g., syrup bottles, ketchup bottles, and the like); all plastic resin labeled PS6 including foamed packing grade and clear and colored non-foam (e.g., styrofoam cups, packaging peanuts, egg cartons, and the like); plastic resin labeled #7 (e.g., squeezable bottles, microwave containers, and the like); wet-strength cardboard (e.g., cardboard beverage carriers, frozen food packaging, and the like); aseptic packaging and gable-topped containers (e.g., juice boxes, milk cartons, juice cartons, and the like); formed steel containers; and any additional recyclable materials that may be added to this list by the city at any time.
   RECYCLING COLLECTION CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or entity having a non-exclusive agreement with the city for the right to collect, transport and dispose of recyclable materials within the boundaries of the city.
   TEMPORARY ROLL-OFF CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTER or DUMPSTER. A bulk container or bin which is delivered and left at a construction site for a temporary time period designed and used to dispose of solid waste materials consisting of construction debris, refuse, rubbish and other debris which container is hauled from the construction site to the point of disposal or emptied into a large compactor-type truck for disposal.
   WHITE GOODS. Discarded appliances, such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, furnaces, ranges, ovens, water heaters, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances as defined by state statues (ILCS Ch. 415, Act 5, §§ 1 et seq.) and local ordinance.
(Ord. 93-10, passed 9-14-93; Am. Ord. 02-38, passed 11-12-02; Am. Ord. 05-18, passed 9-13-05; Am. Ord. 17-18, passed 4-25-17)