(A)   Intent. Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act (ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, § 2.06(g)), any person shall be permitted an opportunity to address the City Council under the rules established in this section.
   (B)   Rules. Unless compliance is waived by a majority of the City Council, all persons wishing to address the City Council at a regular meeting of the Council shall do so in compliance with these rules, which shall be posted at the sign-in table outside the Council chambers:
      (1)   No person, other than a member of the City Council, shall address the Council at any meeting without the consent of the majority of the members present, except during the “Public Participation” portion of the agenda for that meeting, except that the presiding officer may, without consent of the Council, recognize the City Administrator, any staff member or the City Attorney who is present at such meeting to authorize such person to speak to an issue then under consideration.
      (2)   Any person who is invited to appear before the City Council, including but not limited to, a consultant or a contractor, may address the Council in accordance with the rules established in this section.
      (3)   During the “Public Participation” portion of the agenda, any member of the public may address the City Council, provided that all speakers shall comply with the rules established in this division and with any rulings of the presiding officer:
         (a)   Any person wishing to address the City Council shall sign in before the start of the meeting, on the form for requesting public participation, stating his or her name and address, and the subject matter or issue to be addressed, and shall submit the completed form to the City Clerk.
         (b)   All comments shall be directed only to the presiding officer.
         (c)   No person shall engage in a debate or shall direct threats or personal attacks at the City Council, any staff member, or any other speaker or member of the audience.
         (d)   Members of the audience shall refrain from applauding, cheering, booing or other demonstrations during or at the conclusion of remarks made by any speaker addressing the City Council.
      (4)   Before any member of the public addresses the City Council, the presiding officer may impose reasonable time limits on the time allowed for “public participation,” and for each speaker who takes part therein, giving consideration to the probable number of speakers and to the hour. In no event shall any person addressing the City Council be permitted to speak for more than five minutes without the express permission of a majority of the Council.
      (5)   The presiding officer may limit repetitive statements. Whenever possible, groups seeking to address the City Council shall consolidate their comments and avoid repetition by using representative speakers on their behalf.
      (6)   The presiding officer may limit irrelevant, immaterial or inappropriate comments or statements, and shall have the right to halt or suspend public comments if the rules are not being followed.
   (C)   Closed or special meetings. The public shall have no right to address the City Council at any regular or special meeting that is closed to the public in accordance with the requirements of the Open Meeting Act, or at any special meeting of the Council unless the agenda provides for “open forum.”
(Ord. 98-33, passed 11-24-98; Am. Ord. 01-08, passed 6-26-01; Am. Ord. 10-38, passed 1-25-11; Am. Ord. 14-16, passed 4-8-14)