A.   Surfacing: Except in the R1 and R2 single-family residential zoning districts where off street parking areas can be either stone or hard surfaced, all off street parking areas shall be improved with an all weather hard surface pavement installed in accordance with the village of Oak Brook public works construction standards.
   B.   Screening And Landscaping: The following landscaped and planted areas shall be provided and maintained for all parking areas:
      1.   Front Yards: Permanent screening at least four feet (4') high shall be installed in front yard areas adjacent to parking areas. This screening may consist of a planted earth berm, densely planted shrubs or trees, or a combination of both.
      2.   Side And Rear Yards: Permanent peripheral screening at least five feet (5') high shall be installed in side and rear yards adjacent to parking areas. This screening may consist of a planted earth berm, densely planted shrubs or trees, or a combination of both. In side and rear yards, the screening shall be so located and constructed as not to interfere or conflict with the use of any utility easements or utility installations existing or planned to be installed in these easement areas.
   C.   Interior Parking Lot Landscaping: Landscaped areas shall occupy not less than ten percent (10%) of the total lot area excluding:
      1.   The building footprint or footprint of other structures,
      2.   All required front yard or street setback areas, and
      3.   Any required landscape areas along rear lot lines.
In parking areas which are wider than one bay of double parking, interior shade trees shall be planted with a maximum spacing of forty feet (40'), provided that at least one tree is located in the area occupied by every fifteen (15) interior parking spaces. Landscaped dividers with a minimum width of six feet (6') shall be provided between every three (3) parking bays. Individual permanent planter areas (minimum size of 8 feet 6 inches by 17 feet) are required for interior trees with a minimum caliper of three inches (3"), which shall be of a variety which do not drop a messy fruit (see village of Oak Brook public works construction standards for list of appropriate trees).
   D.   Landscape Plans: Complete detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted for approval showing type, Latin and common names, size and location of planting material.
   E.   Lighting: Illumination of an off street parking area shall be arranged so as not to project direct rays of light or glare into any roadway or adjacent property. Intensity of illumination of parking areas shall be in accordance with the village of Oak Brook public works construction standards. All lighting for business and office uses adjacent to residential districts shall be extinguished or reduced in intensity, not later than thirty (30) minutes after the close of business of the use being served.
   F.   Disposal Of Storm Water: Adequate provision shall be made for the management of storm water in accordance with village standards so that such water shall not flow into adjacent property or onto or across sidewalks in a quantity or manner that would be detrimental thereto or inconvenient to persons using the sidewalks.
   G.   Permanent Curbing: Continuous permanent concrete curbing conforming to the village of Oak Brook public works construction standards shall be provided adjacent to all driveway, loading and parking pavement associated with nonresidential uses.
   H.   Striping And Traffic Circulation: Parking spaces shall be delineated by a single white or yellow line. For one-way movements along aisles and driveways, direction of movement shall be indicated by pavement markings or directional signs or both as determined by the village.
   I.   Pedestrian Safety: In order to ensure pedestrian safety, where parking stalls are not aligned perpendicular to the primary pedestrian objective or where pedestrians will be required to cross parking aisles, a pedestrian walkway at least five feet (5') wide and clearly indicated by pavement markings shall be provided at intervals not to exceed two hundred feet (200').
   J.   Parking Structures:
      1.   Landscaping And Screening: All parking structures shall be landscaped (which includes 1 or more berms) pursuant to a landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect to screen substantially the first level from adjacent streets and other uses. For any parking structure that is four (4) floors or less in height, the landscaped area must be a minimum of ten feet (10') in depth but must average fifteen (15) in depth for all screening. For any parking structure that is in excess of four (4) floors, the landscaped area must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') in depth. Any approved landscape plan required for screening of a parking structure must incorporate evergreens within the plantings and include a maintenance schedule to ensure that any damaged or dead trees, shrubs or ground cover shall be replaced promptly. Regular maintenance of these landscaped areas shall also be required.
      2.   Architecture/Design: All exterior walls of such structures, which are visible from adjacent roadways, shall be finished with a material to maintain a "common architectural character", as defined in section 13-8-4 of this title, with the principal building. Maintaining common architectural character between the parking structure and the principal building(s) shall be judged in terms of: building form and materials; the pattern, size, shape, and number of window openings; the glazing or screening of window openings; and surface treatments such as cornices, moldings, reveals and sills.
      3.   Lighting: Parking structures with light standards on the top floor of the structure shall be located in the center aisle of the deck and shall be of appropriate design and scale. Low profile lighting should be used around the perimeter of the parking structure and all internal/external light sources shall be properly screened from view to minimize glare on adjacent property. (Ord. G-687, 10-23-2001)