Any use established in the ORA1, ORA2 or ORA3 office-research- assembly districts shall be operated so as to comply with the performance standard regulations prescribed in this section, and no use lawfully established on the effective date hereof shall be hereafter altered or modified so as to conflict with, or further conflict with, such performance standards.
   A.   Noise: See section 13-3-10 of this title for performance standards pertaining to sound levels.
   B.   Vibration: Any operation or activity which shall cause at any time and at any point beyond the boundaries of the lot, earthborne vibrations other than background vibrations produced by some source not under control of this chapter, such as the operation of motor vehicles or other transportation facilities in excess of the limits set forth in the following column I is prohibited. In addition, any operation or activity which shall cause at any time and at any point in a residence district earthborne vibrations in excess of the limits set forth in the following column II is prohibited. Vibration shall be expressed as displacement in inches and shall be measured with a three (3) component measuring system approved by the director of community development.
Frequency In Cycles Per Second
Displacement In Inches
Displacement In Inches
0 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 30
30 to 40
40 and over
Impact vibrations which are discrete pulses that do not exceed one hundred (100) impulses per minute shall be permitted twice the displacements shown above in columns I and II.
   C.   Smoke And Particulate Matter:
      1.   The emission of smoke or particulate matter in such manner or quantity as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and shall henceforth be unlawful.
      2.   For the purpose of grading the density or equivalent capacity of smoke, the Ringelmann chart described in the bureau of mines information circular 6888 shall be employed. The emission of smoke or particulate matter of a density or equivalent greater than no. 1 on the Ringelmann chart is prohibited at all times except as otherwise provided hereinafter.
      3.   The emission of smoke or particulate matter of a density greater than Ringelmann no. 3 is permitted once in any twenty four (24) hour day for no more than three (3) minutes.
      4.   Wind generated dust from such sources as storage areas, yards, roads, and so forth, within lot boundaries shall be minimized by appropriate landscaping or all weather paving.
      5.   The emission of particulate matter from any chimney, stack, or vent shall not exceed one-fourth (1/4) pound per hour per acre of lot area.
   D.   Toxic Matter: No use shall discharge beyond the boundaries of the lot toxic matter in such concentrations as to be detrimental to, or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare, or cause injury or damage to property or business.
   E.   Odors: The emission of odorous matter in excess of the odor threshold measured beyond the boundaries of the lot at ground level or at habitable elevation is prohibited.
   F.   Fire And Explosion Hazard:
      1.   The storage, utilization, or manufacture of solid materials ranging from incombustible to moderate burning is permitted.
      2.   The storage or utilization of solid materials ranging from free or active burning to intense burning is permitted provided the following conditions are met:
         a.   The materials shall be stored or utilized within completely enclosed buildings or structures having incombustible exterior walls and handled in accordance with the standards and regulations of the village and the National Fire Protection Association.
         b.   All such buildings shall be set back at least forty feet (40') from all lot lines or, in lieu thereof, shall be protected throughout by an automatic fire extinguishing system installed in accordance with the standards and regulations of the village and the National Fire Protection Association.
         c.   Said materials, if stored outdoors, shall be no closer than one hundred fifty feet (150') to the nearest lot line in conformance with the standards and regulations of the village and the National Fire Protection Association.
      3.   The storage or utilization of flammable liquids or materials which produce flammable or explosive vapors shall be permitted in accordance with the following limitations, exclusive of storage in underground tanks, and storage of finished products in original sealed containers:
         a.   Said materials or products shall be stored or utilized within completely enclosed buildings having incombustible exterior walls, and handled in accordance with the standards and regulations of the village and the National Fire Protection Association and, in addition, all such buildings shall be set back at least forty feet (40') from all lot lines and shall be protected throughout by an automatic fire extinguishing system installed in accordance with the standards and regulations of the village and the National Fire Protection Association.
         b.   The aboveground storage of flammable liquids in excess of the following quantities shall not be permitted:
Closed Cup Flash Point
Less than 24°F
24°F to less than 105°F
105°F to less than 187°F
187°F and higher
         c.   The total of all flammable liquids permitted on any lot shall not exceed ten thousand (10,000) gallons.
   G.   Glare And Heat: Any operation producing glare or heat shall be performed within a completely enclosed building in such manner as not to create a public nuisance or hazard beyond the boundaries of the lot.
   H.   Radiation Hazards:
      1.   The release of radioactive gases and particulate matter shall not exceed the maximum allowable concentration permitted the general population of applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations when measured at or beyond the lot line at ground level or habitable elevation.
      2.   No activity involving radiation hazards shall be permitted which causes exposure to persons at or beyond the lot lines in excess of the maximum allowable permitted the general population in applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. (Ord. G-60, 3-22-1966; Ord. G-233, 5-31-1978; Ord. G-863, 7-22-2008)