For all demands filed, the applicable state law is those portions of Oregon Revised Statutes 197 added or made a part of said chapter by ballot measure 37, passed November 2, 2004, and/or as amended, modified or clarified by subsequent amendments or regulations adopted by the Oregon state legislature or Oregon state administrative agencies. Any demand that has not been processed completely under this chapter shall be subject to any such amendments, modifications, clarifications or other actions taken at the state level and this chapter shall be read in a manner so as not to conflict with such amendments, modifications, clarifications or other actions taken at the state level. This chapter is adopted solely to address demands filed under the authority of those provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 197 added or made a part of said chapter by ballot measure 37, passed November 2, 2004. No rights independent of said provisions are created by adoption of this chapter. (Ord. 606-04, 11-11-2004, eff. 12-2-2004)