A.   Manner Of Proposing Measure: The manner of proposing a measure by the initiative shall be to deposit at the office of the city recorder, in compliance with state law, a duly prepared petition ordering the measure to be submitted to the voters.
   B.   Form Of Petition: No initiative petition shall be deemed duly prepared unless it complies with state law and is in substantially the following form:
It is an offense for a person to sign this petition unless he is a legal voter of the City of Nyssa, or to sign it with a name not his own, or to sign his name to it knowingly more than once.
To                                 , Recorder of the City of Nyssa:
The undersigned legal voters of the City of Nyssa petition that the attached measure be submitted to the legal voters of the City for their approval. Each of us for himself says: I have signed this petition, I am a legal voter of the City, and my address is written correctly after my name.
   Name         Address
(Not less than twenty (20) numbered lines such as this shall
    be provided upon such petition.)
   C.   Presentation Of Measure To Council: At the next session of the city council after the proposal of an initiative measure, the city recorder shall present the measures to the council.
   D.   Submission Of Measure To Voters: The city recorder shall cause to be submitted to the voters at the time provided by state law a charter or charter amendment proposed by the initiative and any other initiative measure not enacted by the council. (1962 Code § 1-13-2; amd. 2014 Code)