A.   Connections In Workmanlike Manner: All connections with the public sewer shall be made in a good and workmanlike manner, even with the inside surface of the sewer.
   B.   Service Connection; Wye Not Provided: Where a connective wye has not been left to service an undeveloped property, the service connection shall be as determined by the city in its sole discretion. In order to protect the integrity of the public sewers, they shall be disturbed as little as possible and, therefore, where a connection is desired and there is no wye, the connection to the public sewer shall be made as per "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction", as determined by the city in its sole discretion.
   C.   Wye Provided: Where a wye has been provided to a previously undeveloped property, the connection to the public sewer shall be made by using the wye and using care not to damage or break the wye. If the wye is broken, repairs shall be made as determined by the city in its sole discretion.
   D.   Permit Requirements:
      1.   Permit Required; Fee: Any person desiring a connection to be made to any sewer must first obtain from the city, a permit to connect or hook up to such sewer. An application shall be made to the city with the proposed specifications for the connection, accompanied by the fee to be set by the city council by resolution.
      2.   Connection By City Or Plumber: Such permit from the city will be first had and obtained whether such connection to a sewer be performed by the city or by a licensed plumber as provided below.
      3.   Notify City For Inspection: The applicant for a sewer connection permit shall notify the city when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer.
      4.   Final Approval And Testing: After final approval and testing of the building sewer by the city, the owner shall make the final connection to the building drain, unless otherwise authorized by the city. A thirty (30) minute internal hydrostatic test will be required on all building sewers before connection is made to the building drain. All water, plugs and other facilities for making the test shall be furnished by the applicant. Minimum head over the top of the pipe shall be two feet (2') and maximum allowable leakage shall be four (4) gallons per hour per one hundred feet (100').
      5.   Abandoned House Lateral, Capping: Any abandoned house lateral shall be securely capped off at the public sewer line to keep groundwater out.
   E.   Work Performed By City Employees:
      1.   No hookup or connection will be made to any sewer unless the same be done and performed by an employee or employees of the city or unless the same be done by a plumber duly and regularly licensed under the laws of the state of Oregon and ordinances of the city. All hookups or connections shall be inspected and approved by the supervisor or his or her duly appointed representative.
      2.   No sewer will be opened or tapped unless the same be done and performed by an employee or employees of the city in conformance with standards and specifications established by the city, a plumber duly and regularly licensed under the laws of the state of Oregon and ordinances of the city. The supervisor may authorize other person or persons to perform said sewer tap if he or she feels the situation may warrant it.
   F.   Bond: No one shall be allowed to make connections of private sewers to the sewage works of the city on behalf of any owners of property therein without first posting with the city a bond in such amount as the supervisor deems sufficient to indemnify the city and the inhabitants thereof against any loss or damage which the city or the inhabitants thereof might suffer by reason of the action of said person in making said connections.
   G.   Inspection Of Work And Materials: No work on the public sewers shall be covered until the work and materials have been inspected and approved by the city.
   H.   Filling Excavation: At the conclusion of the work and following inspection and approval, the excavation shall be filled and compacted and the surface of the ground restored to its previous condition, with all rubbish and surplus earth removed.
   I.   Drain And Plumbing Fixtures: It shall be unlawful to construct or extend any drain for the reception of sewage or wastewater under or into any building or premises, or to connect the same with any public sewer, unless the said drain and the plumbing fixtures installed shall, in the plan and construction, conform to the following requirements:
      1.   No lower standard of installation of plumbing and drainage work shall be permitted than that specified in the Oregon code, as amended, the requirements of which are hereby adopted as the minimum requirements in the city.
      2.   Every sewer connection must be separately and independently connected with the street or alley sewer and no openings shall be provided in the sewer or drain pipe of any building for the purpose of surface drainage. No roof drain or rainwater leader shall be connected to a public sewer, unless special conditions make the same proper and when such special condition exists, the city council shall order the same and keep a record thereof.
      3.   All material must be of good quality and free from defects and the work must be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner. All materials must be inspected and approved prior to installation by the city sewer superintendent or designee.
      4.   Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor. The depth shall be sufficient to afford protection from frost. The building sewer shall be laid at uniform grade and in straight alignment insofar as possible.
   J.   Joints: Joints in cast iron pipe shall be made as per "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction", and Oregon code.
   K.   Concrete Or Bituminous Pavement: All concrete or bituminous pavement of stabilized base course shall be removed and replaced as follows:
      1.   Removal: The original cut in the pavement shall be the same width as the trench to be excavated, after backfilling and tamping as hereinafter specified;
      2.   Replacement: The pavement replaced shall conform in type and quality to the pavement removed, and shall be as thick as the original pavement.
   L.   Replace Pavement Over Excavation: Property owners shall be required to replace pavement over the full width of excavation, plus any extra removal directed by the supervisor.
   M.   Replace Sidewalk: Property owners shall replace any sidewalk removed during sewer connection installation and shall replace the full width of excavation plus any extra removal directed by the supervisor.
   N.   Area In Clean And Satisfactory Condition: Upon completion of the work, the contractor shall place the entire area involved in a clean and satisfactory condition.
   O.   Sewer Lines And House Laterals; Compliance With Standards: All sewer lines and house laterals hereafter laid within the city shall be constructed as per "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction", and the Oregon code.
   P.   Sewer Main Lines; Compliance With Standards: Sewer main lines shall be constructed as per "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction", and the Oregon code.
   Q.   Cleanout Construction: A cleanout shall be constructed in each house lateral on the private property affected thereby as per "Idaho Standards For Public Works Construction", and the Oregon code. (Ord. 624-08, 8-12-2008)