A.   Issuance Of Citation:
      1.   If a dog that has been designated by the city as dangerous or vicious, bites or attacks a person, or domestic animal, and the bite or attack is not allowed by the exception section of this chapter, the owner may be issued a citation to appear in the municipal court. Furthermore, the dangerous or vicious dog may be impounded pending the disposition of the court hearing.
      2.   A person who allows a dangerous or vicious dog to bite or attack a person or domestic animal commits a class A violation which shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the limitations established by Oregon Revised Statutes in existence at the time of the violation.
   B.   Restrictions For Minors: It shall be unlawful for any person who is not an adult to own or possess in public a dangerous or vicious dog. It shall also be unlawful for an adult to allow a person who has not reached the age of eighteen (18) years to have sole control of a dangerous or vicious dog.
   C.   Allowing To Bite Or Attack: Allowing a dangerous or vicious dog to bite or attack is a class A violation which shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the limitations established by Oregon Revised Statutes in existence at the time of the violation.
   D.   Allowing To Run At Large: Allowing a dangerous or vicious dog to run at large is a class A violation which shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the limitations established by Oregon Revised Statutes in existence at the time of the violation.
   E.   Request Order Of Disposal: The chief of police or the city ordinance officer may request an order from the municipal court judge to humanely destroy a dangerous or vicious dog, based on the severity of an attack or a pattern of noncompliance with this chapter. Compliance with the requirements of this section shall not be a defense to an order of disposal of a vicious dog by the municipal court.
   F.   Each Day A Separate Offense: Each day a violation exists with any of the provisions of this chapter the same shall constitute and be punishable as a separate offense. (Ord. 630-10, 1-11-2011)