(a)    License Required. No person shall sell or offer to sell any licensed product without first having obtained a license to do so from the Health Commissioner or their authorized designee.
   (b)    Application. An application for a license to sell licensed products must be made on a form provided by the Norwood City Health Department. The application must contain the full name of the applicant, the applicant's residential and business addresses and telephone numbers, the name of the business for which the license is sought, and any additional information the City deems necessary. If the Health Commissioner determines that an application is incomplete, it will be returned to the applicant with notice of the information necessary to make the application complete.
   (c)    Term. The license term is one calendar year, beginning on March 1. In cases of applications for a new license submitted after March 1 of a given year and more than sixty days before the following March 1, the Health Commissioner may issue a license for the remainder of the standard term period, but such license term will only extend to the following last day of February.
   (d)    Revocation or Suspension. Any license issued may be suspended or revoked following the procedures set forth in this Chapter.
   (e)    Transfers. All licenses issued are valid only on the premises for which the license was issued and only for the person to whom the license was issued. The transfer of any license to another location or person is prohibited.
   (f)    Display. All licenses must be posted and displayed at all times in plain view of the general public in the retail establishment.
   (g)    Renewals. The renewal of a license issued under this ordinance will be handled in the same manner as the original application. The request for a renewal must be made at least thirty days, but no more than sixty days, before the expiration of the current license on the last day of February.
   (h)    Issuance as Privilege and Not a Right. The issuance of a license is a privilege and does not entitle the license holder to an automatic renewal of the license.
   (i)    Instructional Program. Licensees must complete and ensure that all employees complete a training program on the legal requirements related to the sale of licensed products and the possible consequences of license violations. Any training program must be pre-approved by the Norwood Health Commissioner. Licensees must maintain documentation demonstrating their compliance and must provide this documentation to the city at the time of renewal, or whenever requested to do so during the license term.
   (j)    Samples Prohibited. No person shall distribute samples of any licensed product free of charge or at a nominal cost. The distribution of licensed products as a free donation is prohibited. (Ord. 51-2021. Passed 9-28-21.)