(a) No person or his agent engaged in a remote vehicle rental business, shall place motorized scooters, bicycles, or motorized bicycles on any private property without the express written permission of the owner(s) of such property.
(b) No person or his agent engaged in a remote vehicle rental business, shall place motorized scooters, bicycles, or motorized bicycles on any public property or public right of way within the City of Norwood without the express permission of the City of Norwood, pursuant to subsection (c).
(c) The Service-Safety Director, with the approval of Norwood City Council, may enter an agreement with a person or his agent engaged in a remote rental business, for the use of designated nest areas on public property or in the public right of way within the City of Norwood under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon. Such terms and conditions may include the payment of fees, limitations on numbers or times, or such other provisions as may be deemed proper.
(Ord. 24-2019. Passed 5-28-19.)