1321.09 SIGN AREA.
   (a)    The area of a sign that is allowed is the total area of all signs for which a permit is required. Maximum sign area permitted shall include the total sign area of all wall, monument, grand projecting, blade, canvas blade, awning, under awning, canopy, under canopy, window, portable sign, and marquee sign.
   (b)    For a wall sign framed, outlined, painted, or otherwise prepared and intended to provide a background for a sign display, the area and dimensions shall include the entire portion within such background or frame.
   (c)    For a wall sign comprised of individual letters, figures, or elements on a wall or similar surface, the area and dimensions of the sign shall encompass regular geometric shape (rectangle, triangle, circle, etc…) or a combination of regular geometric shapes which form or approximate the perimeter of all elements in the display including the frame and any applied background that is not part of the architecture of the building. When separate elements are organized to form a single sign but are separated by open space, the sign area and dimensions shall be calculated by determining the geometric form or combination of forms which comprises all of the display areas, including the space between the different elements. Minor appendages to a particular regular shape, as determined by the Building Commissioner, shall not be included in the total area of a sign. The wall sign or signs shall not be greater than eighty (80%) of the length of building frontage.
   (d)    For a ground or monument sign, the sign area shall include the frame, if any, but shall not include:
      (1)    The structural support unless it is internally illuminated or otherwise so designed to constitute a display device, or part of a display device; and
      (2)    Architectural features that are either part of the building or part of the ground or monument sign and not an integral part of the sign, and which may consist of landscaping, building, or structural forms complementing the site in general.
   (e)    The sum of the areas of any existing signs shall be deducted from and accordingly reduce the allowable sign area specified in each district or use when determining the sign area allowed at an existing location.
   (f)    In any R district, the total permitted sign area per building is one quarter (.25) square foot for each linear foot of building frontage per street elevation.
   (g)    In an NBD and O zoning district, the total permitted sign area per building is one half (.5) square foot for each linear foot of building frontage per street elevation.
   (h)    In a GBD, CBD, M-1, and M-2 zoning district, the total permitted sign area per building is one (1) square foot for each linear foot of building frontage per street elevation.
   (i)    Premises fronting on more than one public right-of-way may not combine the permissible signs for one frontage with another frontage for the purpose of placing the combined area of signs on one frontage.
   (j)   Where a property incorporates out parcels along fronting streets, the permitted sign area for each out parcel shall be one (1) square foot per linear feet of street frontage for the out parcel.
(Ord. 15-2017. Passed 5-23-17.)