(a)    Posted Use and Occupancy. Every building and structure and part thereof designed for use groups B, F, H, M and S as defined in the OBC, shall be posted on all floors by the owner with a suitably designed placard in a form designated by the Building Commissioner, which shall be securely fastened to the structure in a readily visible place, stating the use group, the type of construction, the live load and the occupant load.
   (b)    Posted Occupant Load. Every room constituting a place of assembly shall have the occupant load of the room posted in a conspicuous place, near the main exit from the room. Approved signs shall be maintained in a legible manner by the owner or an authorized agent. Signs shall be durable and shall indicate the number of occupants permitted for each room use .
   (c)    Replacement of Posted Signs. All posting signs shall be furnished by the owner and shall be of permanent design. They shall not be removed, or defaced and, if lost, removed or defaced, shall be immediately replaced.
   (d)    Periodic Inspection. The Building Commissioner may periodically inspect all existing buildings and structures, except one, two and three family dwellings, for compliance with the law in respect to posting; or the Building Commissioner may accept the report of such inspection from an authorized licensed professional engineer or architect. Such inspection and report shall specify any violation of the requirements of Norwood Building Code (NBC) in respect to the posting of floor load, type of construction, occupant load and use group of the building.
(Ord. 15-2010. Passed 4-13-10.)