Anyone owning or having the possession, charge or management of any lot or parcel of real estate over which any natural watercourse passes shall not cause or permit such natural watercourse to be diverted, culverted or otherwise enclosed or artificially confined until they have submitted the detail plans for the diversion, culvert, walls or other enclosing or confining structure to the City Engineer, and have obtained his approval thereof; nor until they have obtained a permit from the Director of Public Service for the diverting, culverting or otherwise enclosing of the natural watercourse, provided always that neither the approval of such plans nor the issuance of such permit shall be construed as a guarantee on the part of the City as to the sufficiency of such structure or diversion ditch. The permit fee shall be five dollars ($5.00).
(Ord. 51-1967. Passed 9-12-67.)