(a)   After a permit is issued, Permittee shall refrain from commencing any actual work within the Right-of-Ways until a pre-construction meeting has been held. Final specifications for the work, including but not limited to, time of work, traffic control, safety issues and clean up shall be identified at the pre-construction meeting and shall be a part of the Permit specifications. Inspections shall also be scheduled at the pre-construction meeting.
   (b)   Generally inspections shall occur shortly after work has commenced, again after work is completed and then approximately 30 days prior to the expiration of the required three year maintenance bond. Additional inspections, scheduled or unscheduled, may occur depending on the scope of the project, complaints regarding the works or special concerns such as weather or special traffic problems.
   (c)   Upon review of the application for a Permit, the Service Director shall determine how many additional inspections, if any, may be required. For Work which involves only minor disturbance of material in the rights of way, the Service Director shall waive the final inspection and the performance bond/letter of credit.
(Ord. 14-2002. Passed 1-8-02.)