159.09 EXPENSES.
   (a)   In addition to any moneys appropriated and furnished by the County and the City School District for the expenses incurred in the operation of such playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, swimming pools, public baths and indoor recreation centers, Council may annually appropriate and cause to be raised by taxation an amount sufficient for its share of such expenses, which money so raised by the City shall be payable from the Treasury of the City in the same manner as other expenditures of this City, which is to wit:
      (1)   The Superintendent of the Park and Recreation Department shall submit a request purchase order to the Finance Director if the value of the item to be purchased is in excess of $50.00, unless otherwise specified by the Finance Director.
         All payroll sheets shall be signed by the Superintendent and forwarded directly to the Safety and Service Director.
      (2)   The Service and Safety Director shall approve all requests so made and may require additional documentation to insure that the items to be purchased are necessary and that competitive prices are sought. The Finance Director shall verify that there are funds sufficient to cover the cost of the item(s) to be purchased by the Superintendent and the purchase order is returned to the Superintendent.
      (3)   The Superintendent or his designee shall then, after the services are performed or item purchased, verify to the Finance Director that said was done by indicating so by voucher or receiving copy of the purchase order.
      (4)   The Superintendent or his designee shall then present the receiving copy of the purchase order to the Finance Department for payment with the invoice.
   (b)   The Board of Park Commissioners shall have no authority to control the payment of expenses from the Park Fund and shall have no authority to control any expenditure within the Park and Recreation Department except to render advice to the Superintendent, and such advice shall not be binding upon the Superintendent. (Ord. 94-35. Passed 4-19-94.)