(a)   Any person whose application is denied or whose registration or permit is revoked or denied may, within ten (10) days after the receipt of a notice of denial or revocation, appeal such denial or revocation to the Mayor by filing with the Mayor a signed, written statement briefly setting forth his/her ground of appeal. The appellant may then appear, in person or by his/her attorney, before the Mayor at a time and date to be set by the Mayor. The Mayor shall reconsider the revocation or denial and uphold the revocation or denial or reverse the same. The decision of the Mayor shall be final.
   (b)   The notice of denial or revocation shall be sent by certified U.S. mail to the address listed on the application. Upon failure of certified mail service, the notice may be sent be regular U.S. mail with certificate of mailing. Service of the notice shall be complete upon receipt of certified mail service or upon the mailing of the regular mail service.
   (c)   In the event the notice is returned with an endorsement indicating that the applicant has moved and left no forwarding address, or that the notice is unable to be forwarded, or that the address given on the application is not a valid address for the applicant, the application shall be deemed withdrawn and any appeal waived by the applicant.
(Ord. 2018-003. Passed 1-16-18.)