For the purposes of this Chapter the following terms have the meanings set forth:
   (a)   "Temporary Vendor" means any person who makes or offers to make temporary sales.
   (b)   "Temporary Sales" means the selling, taking or attempting to take orders for purchases of goods, wares and merchandise, services or tangible personal property of any nature whatsoever, whether or not for future delivery and whether or not the vendor has, or exposes for sale, the subject of such sale, or whether or not the vendor is collecting advance payments of such sales, where such sales take place at or from a temporary sales location.
   (c)   "Temporary Sales Location" means any location including but not limited to parking lot, empty lot, field, store, office, house, or building, in or at which sales, as described above in subsection (b) occur and which the vendor occupies for a period not exceeding ninety (90) consecutive days. "Temporary Sales Location" includes locations at which the vendor makes sales from a vehicle, trailer, cart or similar mobile structure or device regardless of the time period.
   (d)   "Person" means any individual, firm, business, organization, association, corporation, other legal entity or any one doing business on behalf of the foregoing.
   (e)   "Goods" means all personal property of every kind and description and also includes chattels, fixtures and goods which at the time of sale or subsequently thereto are so affixed to realty as to become part thereof whether or not separable therefrom.
   (f)   "Services" means work or labor of every kind and description performed for the benefit of another.
   (g)   "Direct solicitation" means solicitation for sale, offer of sale, or sale of goods or services by any person at the home or residence of the buyer or prospective buyer whether the goods or services are provided immediately or at some future time.
   (h)   "Sunset" means sunset in or about Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, as determined by the United States Naval Observatory and listed in the office of the Safety/Service Director.
      (Ord. 2018-003. Passed 1-16-18.)