In all districts, in connection with every use, there shall be provided at any time when any building, structure, or use is erected, developed or is enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces of at least one hundred eighty square feet (180 sf.) for motor vehicles as follows:
      A.   Residential
         1.   For a single-family or two-family dwelling, parking space requirement shall be two (2) spaces for each unit.
         2.   For apartments and multi-family dwellings, the requirement shall be two (2) spaces for each unit.
         3.   For boarding houses, rooming houses, dormitories, fraternity houses with sleeping rooms, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each sleeping room or suite, plus two (2) for each resident family or one (1) for each employee.
      B.   Commercial
         For automobile or machinery sales, the requirement shall be one (1) space for every eight hundred square feet (800 sf.) floor area.
         1.   For automobile service stations which also provide repair, the requirement shall be one (1) space for every two (2) gasoline pumps and two (2) for each service bay.
         2.   For hotels or motels, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each sleeping room, plus one (1) space for every two (2) employees.
         3.   For funeral parlors/homes, mortuaries, and similar uses, the requirement shall be four (4) spaces for each parlor or one (1) space for each fifty square feet (50 sf.) of floor area in slumber rooms, parlors, or service rooms, whichever is greater.
         4.   For general retail establishments, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each two hundred square feet (200 sf.) of floor area.
         5.   Furniture and appliance stores, household equipment, furniture repair shops over one thousand square feet (1,000 sf.) in floor area, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each four hundred square feet (400 sf.) of floor area.
         6.   For printing or plumbing shop or similar service establishment shall be one (1) for each two (2) employees on the maximum working shift, plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith.
         7.   Retail stores or personal service establishment except as otherwise specified herein, shall have one (1) space for each one hundred square feet (100 sf.) of floor area.
         8.   Offices, public or professional administration, or service buildings shall have one (1) space for each four hundred square feet (400 sf.) of floor area.
         9.   All other types of business or commercial uses permitted in any business district shall have one (1) space for each three hundred square feet (300 sf.) of floor area.
         10.   Banks, financial institutions, and similar uses shall have one (1) space for each two hundred square feet (200 sf.)of floor area, plus one (1) for every two (2) employees.
         11.   For road-side stands, the requirement shall be two (2) parking spaces.
      C.   Recreational or Entertainment
         1.   For dining rooms, restaurants, taverns, night clubs, cafes, or similar eating or recreation or amusement establishments, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each two hundred square feet (200 sf.)of floor area.
         2.   Private club or lodge shall be one (1) for each five (5) members.
         3.   Country club or golf club shall be one (1) for each five (5) members
         4.   For bowling alleys the requirement shall be five (5) spaces for each alley or lane, plus one (1) additional space for each one hundred square feet (100 sf.) of the area used for restaurant, cocktail lounge, or similar use.
         5.   For dance floors or skating rinks, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each one hundred square feet of floor area used for the activity.
         6.   For outdoor swimming pools, public or community or club, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each five (5) persons capacity plus one (1) for each four (4) seats or one (1) for each thirty square feet (30 sf.) of floor area used for seating purposes, whichever is greater.
         7.   Auditoriums and assembly halls (other than school associated), sports arenas, theaters, stadium, or gymnasium shall have one (1) space for each four (4) seats or bench seating spaces.
         8.   Dance and assembly halls without fixed seats, exhibition halls (except church assembly rooms in conjunction with auditorium) shall have one (1) space for each one hundred square feet (100 sf.) of gross floor area used for assembly or dancing.
      D.   Institutional
         1.   Parking space requirements for churches and other places of religious assembly shall be one (1) space for each ten (10) seats in an auditorium.
         2.   For hospitals, the requirements shall be one (1) space for each four (4) beds, plus one (1) for each employee on the maximum working shift.
         3.   Sanitariums, convalescent homes for the aged, nursing homes, children’s homes, asylums, and similar uses shall have one space for every four (4) beds.
         4.   Medical and dental clinics shall have one (1) for every three hundred square feet (300 sf.) floor area of examination treating room, office, and waiting rooms.
         5.   Community center, libraries, museums, and art galleries shall have one space for each five hundred square feet (500 s.f.) of floor area.
      E.   Schools (Public, Parochial, or Private)
         1.   The parking space requirement for elementary, junior high, and high schools, technical schools, business schools, trade schools, colleges and universities shall be one (1) space for each ten (10) seats in auditorium or main assembly room, or one (1) for each twenty (20) classroom seats, whichever is greater.
         2.   For kindergartens, child care centers, nursery schools, and similar uses, the requirement shall be two (2) spaces for each classroom, but not less than six (6) for the building.
      F.   Manufacturing/Wholesale
         1.   Parking space requirement for all types of manufacturing or industrial establishments, storage and wholesale, research or testing laboratory, creamery, bottling plant, warehouse, or similar establishments, uses permitted shall be one (1) space for every two (2) employees (on the largest shift for which the building is designed), plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith.
         2.   For cartage, express, parcel delivery, and freight terminals the requirement shall be one (1) space for every two (2) employees (on the largest shift for which the building is designed) and one (1) space for each motor vehicle maintained on the premises.
         3.   For wholesale establishments or warehouses, the requirement shall be one (1) space for each two (2) employees on the largest shift for which the building is designed.
         In the case of any building, structure, or premises, the use of which is not specifically mentioned herein, the provisions for a use which is so mentioned and to which such use is similar, shall apply.