   In all districts a setback of twenty feet (20') from the top of the bank, measured at right angles thereto, shall be provided for all buildings or structures erected along such ditch. Wherever practical, the area so used shall be on one (1) side of the ditch only; however, this dimension may be increased by the Planning Commission if the circumstances indicate that the equipment to maintain such drainage course would require a greater width in which to operate (ORC 6137.12).
      A.   No commercial vehicle with a net capacity rating in excess of two and one half (2-1/2) tons, including commercial tractors, automobiles, trucks, buses, house trailers, or semi-trailers, shall be parked or stored on any property within a residential zoning district other than in a completely enclosed building. Those commercial vehicles conveying the necessary tools, materials, and equipment to a premises where labor using such tools, materials, and equipment is to be performed during the actual time of parking are exempt.
         (Ord. 99-45. Passed 7-13-99.)
      B.   Automotive vehicles or trailers of any type without current license plates shall be parked or stored on any residential property in a completely enclosed building. A maximum of one (1) boat and/or one (1) unoccupied recreational vehicle may be stored in the rear yard or side yard of any residentially zoned property if it has a current license, meets the requirements for accessory structures and is screened according to the requirements of this Ordinance.
         (Ord. 2001-72. Passed 9-4-01.)
   In addition to complying with all other provisions of this Ordinance, the applicant shall comply with the following conditions, whether or not the long-term parking facility is an accessory use or primary use of a lot:
      A.   That no boundary of the proposed parking area is within fifty feet (50') of a residential district boundary.
      B.   That the proposed parking area will not prevent access to adjacent properties by fire safety equipment.
      C.   That the proposed parking area will be screened in such a manner that the vehicles thereon parked will not be visible from the ground level of any adjacent residential properties.
      D.   That fencing and lighting of the facility will be sufficient to provide for its reasonable security.
      E.   That no service work, maintenance work, repair work, painting work, or other vehicular work shall take place on the premises.
   Screening or buffering in compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be provided for any permitted or conditionally permitted non-residential uses which abut any residential district, in addition to setback and yard requirements provided elsewhere in this Ordinance. Applicants for a Zoning Permit may request a variance from yard or setback requirements in conjunction with a plan for screening, which the Board of Zoning Appeals may consider by weighing the relationship of the proposed screening plan and the requested dimensional variance with respect to their joint impact upon neighboring properties. Such requested variance for a conditionally permitted use shall be incorporated in the conditional use procedure. The following provisions shall apply with respect to screening:
      A,   Screening shall be provided for one or more of the following purposes:
         1.   A visual barrier to partially or completely obstruct the view of structures or activities.
         2.   An acoustic screen to aid in absorbing or deflecting noise.
         3.   A physical barrier to contain debris and litter.
      B.   Screening may consist of one (1) of the following or a combination of two (2) or more as determined by the Zoning Inspector or Board of Zoning Appeals in the event of an appeal or variance and by the Planning Commission in the event of a conditional use:
         1.   A solid masonry wall.
         2.   A solidly constructed decorative fence.
         3.   A louvered fence.
         4.   A dense vegetative planting.
         5.   A landscaped mounding.
      C.   Height of screening shall be in accordance with the following:
         1.   Visual screening walls, fences, plantings, or mounds shall be a minimum of five and one-half (5 ½) feet high in order to accomplish the desired screening effect, except in required front yards where maximum height shall be not greater than two and one-half (2 ½) feet. Plantings shall be a minimum of four feet (4') in height at the time of planting.
         2.   A dense vegetative planting with a minimum height of four feet (4') at planting and a mature height of at least five and one-half feet (5 ½’) or greater or a solidly constructed decorative fence shall be permanently maintained along the mutual boundary of an accessory parking area and adjacent land zoned for residential uses, except for the portion of such boundary located within a required front yard.
      D.   Screening for purposes of absorbing or deflecting noise shall have a depth of at least fifteen feet (15') of dense planting or a solid masonry wall in combination with decorative plantings. The height shall be adequate to absorb noise as determined by the Zoning Inspector in relation to the nature of the use.
      E.   Whenever required screening is adjacent to parking areas or driveways, such screening shall be protected by bumper blocks, posts, or curbing to avoid damage by vehicles.
      F.   All screening shall be trimmed, maintained in good condition, and free of advertising or other signs, except for directional signs and other signs for the efficient flow of vehicles.
         (Ord. 99-45. Passed 7-13-99.)