1151.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the R-1 District is to encourage the establishment of single-family residences with a maximum density of six (6) dwelling units per acre.
   A.   Permitted Uses
      1.   Single-family detached dwellings.
      2.   Accessory structures to single-family dwellings such as garages for non-commercial storage of automobiles. Also storage sheds, play houses, and swimming pools.
      3.   Adult group residential facilities.
      4.   Home-operated child care, one (1) to six (6) children (Refer to Section 1173.022).
      5.   Public non-commercial facilities such as public parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, swimming pools, golf courses, and community centers, operated with or without a fee.
      6.   Agricultural uses to include nurseries, greenhouses, and general farming but not including animal or poultry husbandry or kennels and provided that any lot in such use shall be not less than five (5) acres in area.
         (Ord. 99-45. Passed 7-13-99; Ord. 2001-53. Passed 7-3-01.)
   B.   Conditional Uses
The following uses may be approved subject to the provisions of Section 1137.04:
      1.   Public and private schools provided the land consists of at least one (1) acre and parking and traffic accessibility requirements of Chapter 1177 are satisfied. Private schools must offer general educational courses and have no facilities for the housing of students.
      2.   Temporary school buildings.
      3.   Churches and places of religious worship provided the land consists of at least one (1) acre and parking and traffic accessibility requirements in Chapter 1177 are satisfied.
      4.   Cemeteries.
      5.   Public libraries, museums, art galleries, and similar public cultural uses.
      6.   Institutions for human medical care; hospitals, clinics, sanitariums, convalescent homes, nursing homes, homes for aged and philanthropic institutions.
      7.   Outdoor non-commercial recreation facilities.
      8.   Bed and breakfast operation, provided it shall front on a state or federal highway.
      9.   Home occupations not requiring exterior modifications of residential structures may be permitted provided the performance standards of Section 1173.025 are complied with in all respects.
      10.   Elderly housing provided that an existing non-residential structure will be utilized and there will be no exterior modifications of the existing structure. For the purposes of this paragraph 10. only, “exterior modifications” does not include modifications necessary to ensure accessibility to the building by persons with a disability nor does it include the repair of, or replacement with materials of comparable color and design of the building’s present architectural features. (Ord. 2003-024. Passed 4-15-03.)
C.   Development Standards
1.   Lot Area, Frontage and Yard Requirements: The following minimum requirements shall be observed, except as otherwise provided in the Zoning Ordinance:
Permitted Uses
Other Permitted Uses
(except Agricultural)
Minimum Lot Area
7,200 square feet
20,000 square feet
Minimum Lot Width
60 feet
100 feet
Minimum Front Yard
30 feet
30 feet
Minimum Side Yard
10 feet
Minimum Lot Frontage
60 feet
100 feet
Minimum Floor Area per each Family Unit
1100 square feet
1100 square feet
1 and 1 ½ Story
Sum of at least 30 feet, minimum 12 feet both sides
2 and 2 ½ Story
Sum of at least 35 feet, minimum 15 feet both sides
Minimum Rear Yard
No less than 30 feet
40 feet
No principal structure shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height and no accessory structure shall exceed one story or 15 feet in height, except as provided in Section 1173.08.
3 acres
(Ord. 99-45. Passed 7-13-99; Ord. 2001-53. Passed 7-3-01.)