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Section 423.4, Group E Occupancy, of the IBC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and exceptions are inserting in lieu thereof the following:
   Section 423.4 Group E Occupancy. In areas where the shelter design wind speed for tornadoes in 250 mph in accordance with Figure 304.2 (1) of ICC 500, all Group E occupancies with a program occupant load of 50 or more shall have a storm shelter constructed in accordance with Chapters 1 through 5 & 8 of ICC 500.
   The installation of portable buildings for utilization on the campus or site for educational purposes is considered new construction and classified as Group E Occupancies.
   1.   Group E day care facilities.
   2.   Group E occupancies accessory to place of religious worship.
   3.   Buildings meeting the requirements for shelter design in ICC 500.
   4.   Accessory structures to existing Group E sites where the occupancy classification of said structures are classified as Group A-5 and U.
   5.   Any Group E project permitted on or before September 1, 2021.
(Ord. 21-06 - Dec. 21 Supp.)