Section 423.5 of the IBC, is hereby amended to replace the current language with the following:
423.5 Group E Occupancy. In areas where the shelter design wind speed for tornadoes in 250 mph in accordance with Figure 304.2 (1) of ICC 500, all Group E occupancies with a program occupant load of 50 or more shall have a storm shelter constructed in accordance with Chapters 1 through 5 & 8 of ICC 500.
The installation of portable buildings for utilization on the campus or site for educational purposes is considered new construction and classified as Group E Occupancies.
1. Group E day care facilities.
2. Group E occupancies accessory to place of religious worship.
3. Buildings meeting the requirements for shelter design in ICC 500.
4. Accessory structures to existing group E sites where the occupancy classification of said structures are classified as Groups A-5 and U.
423.5.1 Required Occupant Capacity. The required occupant capacity of the storm shelter shall include all buildings classified as a Group E occupancy on the campus or site (whichever is larger) and shall be the greater of the following:
1. The total occupant load of the classrooms, vocational rooms and offices in the Group E occupancy.
2. The occupant load of any indoor assembly space that is associated with the Group E occupancy.
1. Where a new building is being added on an existing Group E site, and where the new building is not of sufficient size to accommodate the required occupant capacity of the storm shelter for all of the buildings on-site, the storm shelter shall at a minimum accommodate the required capacity for the new building.
2. Where approved by the code official, the required occupant capacity of the shelter shall be permitted to be reduced by the occupant capacity of any existing storm shelters on the campus or site.
423.5.2 Location. Storm shelters shall be located within the buildings they serve, or shall be located where the maximum distance of travel from not fewer than one exterior door of each building to a door of the shelter serving that building does not exceed 1,000 feet.