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The site plan shall show all information needed to enable City staff, Commission and Council to determine if the proposed development meets the requirements of this ordinance and other City ordinances.
   1.   Information Required. The site plan shall include the following information concerning the proposed development
      A.   Names of the owner of the property, legal description of property, point of compass, scale, and date.
      B.   Applicant’s name, address, project location, proposed land use and present zoning, location and names of adjoining subdivisions, the numbers of the adjoining lots therein and the names and addresses of adjoining landowners.
      C.   If the applicant is other than the legal owner, the applicant’s interest shall be stated.
      D.   Name and address of persons who prepared the site plan.
   2.   Required Illustrations. The site plan shall clearly set forth the following information concerning any site improvements associated with the proposed development.
      A.   Property boundary lines, dimensions, and total area of the proposed development.
      B.   Existing and proposed contour lines of the proposed development and fifty (50) feet beyond the boundaries of the proposed development at intervals of not more than two (2) feet. If substantial topographic change is proposed, the existing topography of the development and of the surrounding area shall be illustrated on a separate map, and the proposed finished topography shown on the site plan.
      C.   Temporary erosion control measures and methods required by the City and any other state or federal requirements.
      D.   The availability, location, size, and capacity of existing utilities, and of proposed utilities.
      E.   The proposed building materials, location, size height, shape, use, elevation, building sign type and illustration of all building or structures in the proposed development.
      F.   The total square footage of building floor area, both individually and collectively in the proposed development.
      G.   Existing buildings, rights-of-way, public sidewalks, street improvements, railroads, utility easements, drainage courses, streams and wooded areas.
      H.   The number of dwelling units, offices, etc. as required to determine ordinance compliance.
      I.   A vicinity sketch showing adjacent existing land uses within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the property.
      J.   Location, number, dimensions and design of off-street parking in the proposed development, including:
         (1)   Driveways, islands, and planters.
         (2)   Striping and curbs.
         (3)   Loading facilities.
         (4)   Type and location of lighting.
         (5)   Surface treatment.
      K.   Open spaces, yards, recreational areas, public sidewalks, walkways, driveways, outside lighting, walls, fences, monuments, statues, and other man-made features to be used in the landscape of the proposed development.
      L.   Facilities for the collection and disposal of garbage and trash, and screening structures.
      M.   Walls, fences or other artificial screens to be used as buffers shall be shown in elevation and prospective as well as plan with proposed height and structural material to be used indicated.
      N.   Traffic considerations or utility capacities and all other considerations pertinent to the proposed use may be requested for illustration or statistical purposes.
      O.   As part of the information required in Section 175I.04, any project, in either its initial phase or determined cumulatively in all phases such as a master plan, which contains 80 dwelling units or 1000 average daily trips shall submit a traffic analysis which provides necessary information to determine the effect that the project will have upon the surrounding traffic. At a minimum the traffic analysis, which must be prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, shall contain project trip generation, directional distribution of project trips, traffic assignment, and capacity analysis, including identification of congestion and turning-movement conflicts. If congestion conflicts are identified, then solutions to remedy the potential conflicts shall be provided.
      P.   Free standing identification sign(s); location, setback, dimensions, height and illustration.
      Q.   Location and type of all plants, grass, trees, or ground cover to be used in the landscape. Landscaping to be used for screening purposes shall be illustrated with the size and exact names of plants, shrubs or trees to be planted clearly indicated. The planting location shall not adversely affect utility easements or service lines. On all site plans the following requirements shall be met:
         (1)   Implementation. The landscaping plan shall be submitted for approval as part of site plan submittal. The landscaping plan is to show the following information in accordance with the requirements of Section 175D.04, Landscaping Required:
            a.   Location of trees and shrubs.
            b.   Size and species of trees and shrubs.
            c.   Number of each size and species of tree and shrub.
            d.   Type of ground cover and form of permanent erosion control.
         (2)   Approval of Landscaping. Landscaping is to be in-place at the time an occupancy permit is approved. Should completion of landscaping be delayed because of the season of year, a temporary occupancy permit may be issued if the developer posts a bond or other acceptable guarantee in the amount of the landscaping as completed. At the developers option and at the time of site plan filing he may submit a list of alternate or substitute species from the permitted or established list to be used should the preferred material not be available when needed and required.
         (3)   Maintenance. All landscaping, buffering and screening shall be maintained at all times to conform to the regulations established in this chapter. Landscaping which is not maintained in a manner consistent with this chapter shall be replaced, as follows:
            a.   Replacement includes, but is not limited to replacing plants damaged by insects, soil conditions, disease, vehicular traffic, vandalism, and acts of God;
            b.   Required landscaping shall be replaced with equivalent vegetation if it is not living within one (1) year of a Certificate of Occupancy;
            c.   Existing landscaping which was preserved shall be replaced with new landscaping if it is not living within two (2) years of a Certificate of Occupancy;
            d.   Landscaping as part of a buffer shall be maintained as long as the buffer is required by this ordinance; and
            e.   Replacement landscaping shall be installed (weather permitting) or proper guarantees provided within thirty (30) days following notification by the Zoning Administrator that a violation of this chapter has occurred.