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Except as specified in the Exemptions Section 175H.05 and the Temporary Signs Section 175H.14 of this chapter, no off-premises sign or billboard shall be permitted within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any dwelling unit, public parkway, public park, or property line of a public or parochial school site, church site, hospital site, cemetery, similar institution or zoning district not permitting billboards or off-premises signs, and three hundred (300) feet of an R District.
(Ord. 23-20 - Dec. 23 Supp.)
   1.   Permitted Zoning Districts. Billboards which conform with the provisions of this section shall be permitted in the following zoning locations: C-3 Districts that are within 600 feet of the centerline of Highway 5 and M-1 Districts.
   2.   Billboard Setback, Size and Height Requirements. Billboards which conform with the provisions of this section shall be permitted in the following zoning district: C-3 and within 600 feet of the centerline of Highway 5. All billboards shall meet the minimum required setback of the zoning district it is located in. Billboards shall have a maximum height of 35 feet and a maximum of 350 square feet of sign area for a single sided sign and 675 square feet of sign area for a double sided sign.
   3.   Spacing of Billboards.
      A.   On federal and state highways, federal and state regulations for spacing and setbacks shall apply, provided, however, if the regulations of this chapter are found more restrictive, the more restrictive requirement shall apply.
      B.   No billboard shall be established within five hundred (500) feet of any other billboard.
   4.   Construction and Maintenance. Billboards shall be constructed of structurally sound, permanent and low maintenance metal, with a single pole design that is ground foundation mounted. Billboards shall be properly maintained as required of all signs regulated by this chapter, and a maintenance agreement and bond shall be executed with the City prior to issuance of a permit to allow installation of a billboard.