(A)   The following officers and employees of the city are explicitly exempted from coverage unless otherwise specified:
      (1)   All elected officials;
      (2)   City Attorney;
      (3)   City Engineer;
      (4)   Consultants, advisors, and counsel rendering temporary professional services;
      (5)   Independent contractors;
      (6)   Seasonal/part-time employees; and
      (7)   Members of volunteer organizations.
   (B)   All officers and employees not explicitly exempted from coverage of these policies and procedures shall be subject to its provisions.
   (C)   An EMPLOYEE (as opposed to an “officer”) is interpreted by these policies and procedures as a person:
      (1)   Whose position was not created by the Constitution, Kentucky Revised Statutes, or local government;
      (2)   Who possesses no part of the sovereign power of the city;
      (3)   Whose powers were not conferred directly by the city;
      (4)   Who is supervised by someone in a higher position; and
      (5)   Whose position has no established permanency.
(Prior Code, § 36.02)