(a)   Complementary Uses. A complementary mix of land uses that support each other should be included in the district. Opportunities should include the promotion of multiple purpose trips. Development should be of high quality and promote creative design and development of complementing uses.
   (b)   Concentration. Appropriate concentration of uses should be allowed to create the best scenario for economic vitality while also being compatible to surrounding uses, especially surrounding residential areas.
   (c)   Building Form. Front facades of building should be oriented toward public space and public gathering areas rather than parking lots. Commercial and mixed use buildings should promote an active street frontage and quality street design.
   (d)   Building Design. Building design should be compatible with adjoining and adjacent developments, but should allow for creative designing to avoid homogeneity.
   (e)   Walkability, Connectivity, and Circulation. Safe, convenient and comfortable circulation patterns for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles should be included in site development plan. Developers are encouraged to invest in shared parking to alleviate unnecessary envelopment of parking spaces. The developments should be pedestrian friendly rather than vehicle.
   (f)   Housing. When residential uses are included within the development area, consideration should be given to ensure that the proposed housing type balance the existing housing within the overlay or adjoining residential districts while also considering market demand.
   (g)   Public Spaces and Uses. Developments should include publicly accessible spaces and amenities that may include open spaces, public buildings, or public gathering areas.
(Ord. 61-2019. Passed 6-10-19.)