The purpose of the Town Center Overlay is to encourage mixed-use development. The overlay will provide enhanced flexibility in order to encourage creative development that will lead to an active and vibrant town center. The intent of the overlay district is to accomplish the following:
(a) The Town Center Overlay District is defined as Cleveland Massillon Road from Panther Way south to Trotter Road, and east to west, from Long Drive to Columbia Woods Drive.
(b) Provide an opportunity to include a mix of zoning that would otherwise not be available through regular municipal zoning strategies.
(c) Develop a specific design for the district that improves the aesthetics of the district and create town character.
(d) Assure uniformity through development controls that also inspire creative building design.
(e) Further the development goals of the City of Norton.
(f) Promote walkability and connectivity.
(Ord. 61-2019. Passed 6-10-19.)