Facade Elements. All facades on multi-story buildings shall be designed with a base, body, and crown (See Figure 1279-2):
   (a)   Base. The lowest portion of the facade, directly along the grade shall be differentiated from the other portions of the facade as the base. The base shall be differentiated with either a change of materials, or a continuous horizontal architectural treatment.
   (b)   Crown. The portion of the facade immediately above the body shall be differentiated from other portions of the facade as the crown. The crown shall be differentiated with either a change of materials or a continuous horizontal architectural treatment such as a cornice line, parapet, or similar detail.
   (c)   Body. All portions of the facade that are not the base or the crown shall be considered the body.
   (d)   Entrance. Each building shall have at least one primary entrance feature.
(Ord. 61-2019. Passed 6-10-19.)