C-1 Commercial District developments shall incorporate common open spaces, which satisfy the standards of usability and quality described below:
   (a)   Common open spaces shall comprise at least 20% of the development area unless otherwise approved by Planning Commission and/or City Council.
   (b)   The location, shape, size, and character of the open space shall complement and enhance the overall development.
   (c)   Public utility and similar easements, right-of-way courses, and other similar channels may be acceptable for common open space if it is usable as a trail or similar purpose and has been approved by the Planning Commission.
   (d)   Common open spaces shall not include private yards, required setbacks between the project boundary lines or buildings and minimum spacing between buildings.
   (e)   Common open spaces may be used for recreational purposes or passive uses. If the development area contains natural features worthy of preservation, those areas may remain undeveloped and unimproved; however, they must be maintained and repaired as needed by the owner, developer or association.
   (f)   Common open spaces should promote public gathering and public use. Amenities such as public art, courtyards, fountains, gazebos, outdoor dining and benches should be included within common open spaces when applicable.
(Ord. 61-2019. Passed 6-10-19.)