The overall quality of development design shall be considered when reviewing an application for a C-1 District development:
(a) The use of unique street design and landscaping.
(b) The use of a variety of architectural styles, building types, and/or building materials to avoid a monotonous streetscape.
(c) The use of high quality building materials and well-designed and well-articulated building facades.
(d) The incorporation of pedestrian trails and paths both internal to the C-1 District and that connect to external pedestrian networks to the extent reasonably possible and desirable.
(e) The incorporation of ponds or water features to the extent reasonably possible and desirable.
(f) Incorporation of safe, convenient and comfortable internal and external circulation patterns for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles should be integrated into the site development plan. Developments should promote shared parking opportunities in order to minimize unnecessary parking/vehicular areas should not dominate the design of the site.
(g) When residential uses are included in the development area, consideration should be given to ensure that the proposed housing type(s) balance the housing options by complementing available housing products and meeting a market demand.
(1) Live-work mixed-use units.
(2) Market rate apartments within a mixed-use building.
(3) Mixed-use buildings should incorporate first floor retail.
(h) Developments should include publicly accessible spaces and amenities that may include open spaces, public buildings or public gathering areas.
(i) Developments should conserve and integrate environmentally sensitive resources into the design of the development when appropriate.
(Ord. 61-2019. Passed 6-10-19.)