(a)   The City recognizes that use of a City credit card provides convenience to employees in acquiring goods and services for the City. The City also recognizes the additional risk inherent with credit card usage. Therefore, whenever a vendor will accept a City purchase order, a purchase order should be used in lieu of the City credit card.
   (b)   For individual expenditures, the expense must fall within the pre-approved budgets. Itemized receipts must be turned into the Finance Department with the return of the credit card. If an employee is out of town during the expenditure, signed receipts should be turned in within two business days upon returning to work.
   (c)   The employee will be personally liable to reimburse the City the amount for which the employee does not provide itemized receipts in accordance with the credit card policy.
(Ord. 66-2019. Passed 5-13-19.)