(a)   The following regulations shall apply to all areas designated as residential in the Mixed Use District.
      (1)   Density. The overall gross residential density for the District excluding areas designated for B-1 and/or B-2 commercial uses shall be five units per acre. The maximum density within areas designated for one family detached dwellings shall be five units per acre. The maximum density within areas designated for two and three family attached dwellings shall be five units per acre. The maximum density for areas designated for single story multifamily dwellings shall be eight units per acre. The maximum density within areas designated for senior assisted living, nursing and/or memory care facilities shall be ten units per acre.
      (2)   Maximum lot coverage and setbacks. Coverage of each lot shall not exceed 65% on sites directly adjoining open space and 50% on all other sites. However, total site coverage shall not exceed 35% of the total area. No setbacks shall be required but will be proposed by landowner/developer and approved by the City.
      (3)   Maximum height. Maximum building height is three stories, not to exceed 45 feet. Air conditioners, cooling towers, elevator penthouses, and other such appurtenances are included in the height limitation and must be enclosed within the building structure, unless screening or camouflaging of such appurtenances is approved by the Architecture Review Board.
      (4)   Parking. Off-street parking requirements are one and one-half car spaces for each dwelling unit,
      (5)   Open space. An area no less than 15% of the total Mixed Use District (excluding areas designated for B-1 and B-2 commercial uses) must be reserved as open space or park area. This area must be for the exclusive use of the Mixed Use District or be dedicated to the City as a public recreation area.
      (6)   Acreage. No parcel less than ten acres shall be considered for this classification.
   (b)   Retail business. The following regulations will apply to any retail business in the Mixed Use District.
      (1)   All uses allowed in B-1 and B-2 Commercial Districts are permitted.
      (2)   Area and height regulations shall be as required in the B-1 and B-2 Commercial Districts.
      (3)   Off-street parking shall be as required in the B-1 and B-2 Commercial Districts.
      (4)   Signs as permitted in the B-1 and B-2 Commercial Districts.
(Ord. 44-2019. Passed 4-15-19; Ord. 114-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)