(a) All stairways shall have not less than six feet, eight inches of continuous clear headroom, measured vertically from the tread line. The minimum width of the stairway shall be thirty-six inches. The main stairway must have a minimum width of thirty-six inches, exclusive of handrails.
(b) In figuring the stair run, the treads shall be not less than nine inches wide, risers shall be not more than eight and one-eighth inches high, and treads shall be so proportioned to risers that an easy run is obtained. The width of tread, including the nosing, shall be not less than nine and one-half inches.
(c) The cutting and framing of all structural members, such as stringers and landings, shall be such that the development of their full strength will not be impaired. Stringers shall have solid bearing at the top and bottom. The minimum effective depth of wooden stair stringers shall be three and one-half inches.
(d) If winders are used, the width of treads at eighteen inches from the converging end shall be not less than the tread width on the straight stair run. All risers shall be the same height for each story.
(e) Open basement stairs shall have treads not less than two inches thick, unless a middle stringer is installed. Stairs properly engineered with less dimension may be used for basement stairs.
(f) Substantial handrails shall be provided on at least one side of each stairway.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)