(a)   No section of a temporary sign shall be more than four feet wide or more than sixty square feet in area.
   (b)   A temporary sign shall not be erected or placed nearer than six inches to the property on either side of the same when the property is not owned, leased or rented by the person for whom the temporary sign is displayed. No temporary sign or part thereof, as limited in area in this section, shall be placed nearer than one foot to another such temporary sign or part thereof. No temporary sign shall be erected above or below another such sign in any one story of a building.
   (c)   Not more than one temporary sign for each occupant of a building shall be erected upon each front, side and rear of the building.
   (d)   Temporary signs on frames shall be strongly constructed and shall be securely attached to and flat against a building. The signs may also be roped and sewed without a frame.
   (e)   The City Electrical Inspector or the Fire Chief shall have authority to cause the removal or relocation of any temporary sign erected or placed near enough to conductors of electricity to cause a hazard to life or property.
   (f)   Temporary signs shall be removed within thirty days after being erected, except that all such signs which become torn or otherwise unsafe shall immediately be removed or made safe.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)