(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, no part of a ground sign shall be more than sixteen feet or less than two feet above the highest grade under the sign, except that the open space under such sign may be latticed if the lattice work provides not less than fifty percent of open space uniformly distributed over the area latticed.
(b) A ground sign may be erected to a height of more than sixteen feet above the grade when conditions are complied with as follows:
(1) All parts of the sign and its supports are of noncombustible material;
(2) All parts of the sign, except its necessary supports, are not less than five feet above the grade under the sign;
(3) The supporting structure for the sign is designed by a registered structural engineer, and his or her seal appears on the plans for the sign which are filed in the Division of Building and Zoning Inspection when application is made for a building permit. The erection of the sign shall be supervised by a registered engineer.
(c) Except as provided in subsection (d) hereof for glass box signs, the area of one face of a solid face ground sign shall not exceed 900 square feet.
(d) Sections of a glass box sign, erected as a ground sign, shall not exceed forty square feet in area of one face and each section shall be independently supported and shall be self-releasing from every other section.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)