The erector of every sign or outdoor advertising display shall place an imprint or metal tag thereon showing the name of the erector in accordance with the following:
   (a)   The imprint of the erector of a projecting sign, wall sign, pole sign, ground sign or banner sign shall be applied in the border of such sign. The imprint shall be in color in contrast to that of the sign or it shall be a metal tag substantially attached to the sign. The imprint shall be so located on the sign that it can be readily identified from the sidewalk, street or ground below such sign after the sign has been erected.
   (b)   The imprint of the erector of a roof sign or outdoor advertising display shall be applied to the border thereof, or it shall be a separate metal panel attached to the framework or panel thereof. Such imprint shall be clearly legible from the level of the base of the supports of such roof sign, roof bulletin or ground bulletin, and for wall bulletins it shall be clearly legible from the level of the ground, sidewalk or street under such wall bulletin.
   (c)   When a sign or outdoor advertising display is re-erected or rehung, the person, re-erecting or rehanging the sign or outdoor advertising display shall place the identification of the re-erector on the same as required in subsections (a) and (b) hereof for a new installation.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)