1434.15 FOOTERS.
   Concrete footings shall bear upon undisturbed soil and shall be designed to distribute sufficiently the superimposed load to the particular type of soil upon which they bear, but in no case shall the bearing capacity of the soil be exceeded. All footings placed over trenches shall be properly reinforced. Where soil conditions prevent uniform trenches, side forms shall be used. The minimum dimensions of poured concrete footings upon hard, undisturbed soil shall be as follows:
   (a)   A one or two-story dwelling without a basement and having frame walls, masonry veneer on wood frame, walls, or masonry exterior walls, may have foundation walls of eight-inch concrete poured in a trench, with the footings omitted, where the soil is firm and is accurately trenched and trimmed.
   (b)   Under eight-inch hollow masonry walls of one-story frame dwellings with no basement: the footing thickness shall be six inches with a three-inch projection on each side of the walls.
   (c)   Under eight-inch hollow masonry walls of all other frame dwellings and of one-story masonry dwellings: the footing thickness shall be eight inches with a four-inch projection on each side of the walls.
   (d)   Under twelve-inch hollow masonry walls of all masonry dwellings more than one story in height: the footing thickness shall be eight inches with a four-inch projection on each side of the walls.
Footings shall be so designed that the pressure on the soil per unit of area shall, as far as possible, be uniform under all parts of the building or structure.
Under masonry piers, posts and columns: footings shall be eight inches thick and the area shall not be less than four square feet.
Under chimneys and fireplaces for one and two-story dwellings: footer thickness shall be eight inches with a six-inch projection on each side of the walls.
(Ord. 42-1981. Passed 2-23-81.)