1292.01 Purpose and findings.
1292.02 Definitions.
1292.03 Sexually oriented businesses.
1292.04 Location of sexually oriented businesses.
1292.05 Additional regulations for sexually oriented businesses.
1292.06 Severability.
Division of municipal corporation into zones - see Ohio R.C. 713.06
Notice and hearing on municipal zoning regulations - see Ohio R.C. 713.12
Effect of zoning on laws and charters - see Ohio R.C. 713.14
Retroactive zoning ordinances prohibited - see Ohio R.C. 713.15
Juveniles on the premises of adult entertainment establishments prohibited - see GEN.OFF. 666.18
General provisions and definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. Ch. 1250
Administration, enforcement and penalty - see P. & Z. Ch. Ch. 1252
Amendments - see P. & Z. Ch. Ch. 1256
Districts generally and Zoning Map - see P. & Z. Ch. Ch. 1258
Special planned development - see P. & Z. Ch. Ch. 1288
Wireless telecommunications facilities - see P. & Z. Ch. Ch. 1294