(a)   Site plans shall demonstrate that the proposed development will be in compliance with all applicable plans, laws and ordinances.
   (b)   Consideration shall be given to providing uses of land and structures consistent with recommendations of plans adopted by the City in the area addressed by the site plan. Consideration shall also be given to providing suitable areas for parks, schools, open space, and other areas of public recreational use and other public facilities, especially when such facilities are proposed in plans adopted by the City in the area addressed by the site plan.
   (c)   All development features, including principal buildings, open spaces, service roads, driveways, and parking areas shall be located to minimize the possibility of adverse effects upon adjacent development. Visual and auditory privacy for surrounding properties shall be provided through good design and the use of proper building materials and landscaping. Where necessary to promote harmony with adjacent developments, screening of parking areas and service areas from surrounding properties shall be provided through landscaping, ornamental walls, fences, or other means.
   (d)   To ensure the protection of property values and to promote effective transition of land use from one district to another, the Planning Commission shall have the power to determine the need for, location, and the amount of planting materials, walls, walks, or fences or any combination thereof.
   (e)   Thoroughfares, service roads, driveways, and parking and loading areas shall be designed to promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety on both private and public lands. On-site traffic circulation shall be designed to permit adequate fire and police protection.
   (f)   The design and installation of quality, attractive landscape planting, screening, fences, and other site improvements is encouraged. These improvements shall be designed as integral elements of the overall site plan, selected to complement the site and surrounding sites, and designed to provide visually and spatially attractive areas in all parts of the site.
   (g)   The locations and designs of buildings and other site improvements shall be developed with consideration given to minimizing the removal of trees and natural native vegetation and changes of topography where preservation of such features is deemed appropriate, including Riparian wetland setbacks.
   (h)   Provision shall be made for sidewalks and pedestrian walkways which will enable pedestrians to walk safely and conveniently from distant areas of parking to the buildings, from one building to another within the site, and to and from public walkways.
   (i)   Provision shall be made for the disposal of wastes generated by the proposed use. Screening of temporary storage areas and containers shall be provided to minimize visual impacts on abutting properties, especially adjacent residential uses.
   (j)   Grading, surface drainage, and erosion provisions shall be designed to minimize adverse effects on abutting properties, waters of the state, and public streets, during as well as after construction. Adequate drainage for the disposition of storm and natural waters both on and off-site shall be provided. The extent of both on-site and off-site drainage facilities and the requirements for on-site storm water management shall be based on the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the standards established by the City Engineer.
   (k)   The design of buildings and other structures shall comply with the following standards and guidelines, except as otherwise provided in plans and policies adopted by the City:
      (1)   Materials shall be appropriate for the use of the proposed structures, weathering, and the relationship to other materials, including those used on adjacent structures.
      (2)   Colors and textures shall be appropriate for the size and scale of proposed structures, weathering, and the relationship to other colors and textures.
      (3)   Architectural details and ornamentation shall be meaningful to the overall design and appropriate for the size and scale of proposed structures, weathering, and the relationship to other architectural details and ornamentation, including those used on adjacent structures. Detailing such as trim, moldings, bands of contrasting siding or brick, and varying textures of concrete or stone are encouraged as part of an overall design which is in scale with the building and carefully related to other elements.
      (4)   Mechanical equipment shall be of appropriate size and scale in relation to rooftop appearance, sidewall openings, sound levels, smoke and other nuisances. The location, color, size, type, and screening of mechanical equipment, whether on the roof, walls, or ground, shall be designed to be concealed, and/or to be compatible with or attractively complement the other elements of the structures and site improvements.
      (5)   Windows, doors, and other openings shall be so located on the facades and be of such dimensions as are appropriate for the style, scale, and orientation of the building and in a pattern which contributes to a balanced facade appearance. Customer entrances should be accentuated. Decorative elements, caps, brickwork, and trim are encouraged around windows and doors to add interest to the overall design.
      (6)   Architectural styles similar to or compatible with existing historical buildings of similar use adjacent to or across the street from the site shall be encouraged. Compatibility and complementarity among existing and proposed new structures shall be encouraged in all locations.
      (7)   Scale of new construction similar to that of the majority of surrounding buildings is encouraged.
      (8)   Varied roof lines, roof details and features such as dormers, turrets, eave breaks, and overhangs are encouraged in new construction as a means to break up the mass of large buildings and to provide visual interest. Flat roofs are discouraged.
      (9)   Alterations and additions to existing buildings shall be compatible in scale, material, color, placement, and character with the existing buildings.
      (10)   Distinctive architectural features of existing buildings should not be altered or removed unless replaced with features of similar composition, texture, color, design, and other characteristics. Restoration of historic features and building characteristics shall be encouraged.
      (11)   Side and rear walls shall be so designed as to relate to and be compatible with the front or main entry wall and overall design of the building, although they may be less detailed and articulated.
      (12)   Site features such as fences, and walls, compatible in color, texture, scale, materials and other characteristics with the main building shall be encouraged.
(Ord. 50-2005. Passed 7-11-05.)