The following regulations shall apply to the completion of specific improvements in a major subdivision:
   (a)   Completion of Sidewalks.
      (1)   In the interest of providing complete and safe pedestrian facilities in all subdivisions where public sidewalks are required, the subdivider shall install all sidewalks within the time period agreed in the development agreement, but not later than two years after acceptance of the public streets.
      (2)   Subsequent to acceptance by the City of sidewalks in a public right-of-way or easement, the owner of each lot shall be responsible for repair and/or replacement of any sidewalk damaged by construction.
   (b)   Installation of Street Trees. The subdivider shall:
      (1)   Purchase street trees as approved by the City in the improvement drawings and complying with the provisions of these Regulations.
      (2)   Prior to installation, notify the City of the intended date of installation.
      (3)   Install street trees on a schedule as set forth in the development agreement, but not later than two years after acceptance of the public streets.
   (c)   Effect on Building Permits.
      (1)   No building permit shall be issued for the construction of a building on a lot in any major subdivision before the final plat has been recorded and the road pavement, water lines, sanitary sewers, and necessary storm water improvements have been installed and approved by the City.
      (2)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, a building permit may be issued for construction of a building on a lot within such subdivision if the lot has frontage on an improved public street and no additional public improvements are required to make the lot suitable for construction.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)