(a)   A skill-based amusement arcade license is not transferable from one licensee to another licensee. A skill-based amusement arcade license is transferable or from one location to another provided that such license shall remain with same licensee after such transfer and provided further that the licensee complies with the procedure set forth below. A licensee requesting a transfer to a new location shall submit a written transfer request to the Administrative Officer setting forth the reasons for the proposed transfer and demonstrating that licensee will be in full compliance of all requirements of this Chapter 856 after such transfer is effective. Within 30 days after the written request is submitted to the Administrative Officer, the Administrative Officer or his/her designee shall issue a written order to the licensee either approving or denying such transfer request. If the Administrative Officer denies the request for a transfer, such denial shall state in detail the reasons for the denial. Any purported transfer not in compliance of a skill-based amusement arcade license shall automatically and immediately nullify that license.
   (b)   Except as provided in paragraph (a) above in connection with a transfer of location by a licensee, a skill-based amusement device or skill-based amusement device license tag is not transferable from one device or machine to another or to another device or machine at a different location. Any purported transfer of a license tag shall automatically and immediately nullify that license.
(Ord. 68-2007. Passed 11-12-07; Ord. 86-2016. Passed 11-14-16.)