§ 154.084 NOISE.
   (A)   No principal or accessory use, or operations or activities on its lot, shall generate a sound level exceeding the limits established in the table below, when measured at the specified locations:
Sound Level Limits by Receiving Land Use District
Land Use or Zoning District Receiving the Noise
Maximum Sound Level
At a lot line of a residential use in a residential district
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. other than Sundays, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Year’s Day, Labor Day and Memorial Day
63 dBA
9:00 p.m to 7:00 a.m. plus all day Sundays, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Labor Day and Memorial Day
57 dBA
At any other lot line
All times and days
70 dBA
Note: dBA means “A” weighted decibel.
   (B)   The maximum permissible sound level limits set forth in the above table shall not apply to any of the following noise sources:
      (1)   Sound needed to alert people about an emergency;
      (2)   Repair or installation of utilities or construction of structures, sidewalks or streets between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., except for clearly emergency repairs which are not restricted by time;
      (3)   Household power tools and lawnmowers between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.;
      (4)   Agricultural activities including permitted raising of livestock, but not exempting a commercial kennel;
      (5)   Public celebrations specifically authorized by the Borough Council or a county, state or federal government agency or body;
      (6)   Unamplified human voices or the sound of animals;
      (7)   Routine ringing of bells and chimes by a place of worship or municipal clock; and
      (8)   Vehicles operating on a public street, railroads and aircraft.
(2006 Code, § 27-505) (Ord. 12/18/2003, passed 12-18-2003, § 505) Penalty, see § 154.999