§ 153.036 SKETCH PLAN.
   (A)   Where a land development plan includes improvements, the developer may submit a sketch plan to the Borough Codes Enforcement Officer.
   (B)   Such sketch plan will be considered as submitted for formal review and discussion and shall not constitute formal filing with the borough.
   (C)   As far as may be practical on the basis of the sketch plan review and discussion, the borough will informally advise the developer as promptly as possible of the extent to which the proposed land development conforms to the design standards of §§ 153.075 through 153.087 and will discuss possible plan modifications necessary to secure conformance.
(2006 Code, § 22-302) (Ord. 90-9, passed 9-10-1990, § 302; Ord. 94-02, passed 5-2-1994, Art. II; Ord. 2006-3, passed 7-10-2006)