For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONTRACTING WORK. Any work performed to erect, add to, alter, repair or otherwise improve a structure, system or fixture.
   DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation qualified and equipped to demolish any structure or portion thereof.
   ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation qualified to install, alter or repair wiring systems and fixtures in, on and about a structure.
   GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation qualified to erect a structure in its entirety or to add to, alter or repair an existing structure or any of its component system, other than electrical, plumbing, air conditioning and heating which are addressed below. A GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR is one who is held accountable for the work of all separate contractors.
   HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation qualified to install, alter or repair any heating and/or air conditioning systems and fixtures in, on or about a structure.
   MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTORS. All contractors not heretofore defined but intending to do work on, in or about a structure or property in the borough. This shall not include an owner of a residential property in which he or she resides when he or she is performing such work on his or her residential property. This shall apply to any owners of property within the properties within the borough.
   MOVING CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation qualified and equipped to move any building or the contents of any building, including personal property and fixtures.
   PERSON. Any individual person, corporation or partnership, or other form of organization.
   PLUMBING CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation qualified to install, alter or repair any plumbing systems and fixtures in, on or about a structure.
(2006 Code, § 5-201) (Ord. 1/16/2003, passed 1-16-2003, § I)