For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PARK or PARKS. Unless specifically limited, shall be deemed to include all parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, tennis courts, recreation structures and facilities, and also entrances and approaches thereto, and all other land or property or structures under the jurisdiction of the Council of the borough or its designated department (hereinafter “Council”), now or hereafter owned or acquired by the borough for park or recreational purposes.
   PERSON. Any natural person, corporation, organization of persons, company, association or partnership.
   RULES AND REGULATIONS. Any rules and regulations hereby or hereafter promulgated by Council.
(2006 Code, § 16-101) (Ord. 89-6, passed 9-11-1989; Ord. 89-10, passed 11-16-1989, § 1)