(A)   Sewer rental surcharges for nondomestic wastes.
      (1)   In addition to sewer rent for collection and treatment of sewage discharged into the sewage works by commercial and industrial users, further charges shall be made for all sewage discharged into the sewage works having values for certain parameters in excess of certain concentration thresholds as listed below:
Concentration Thresholds in mg/l
Concentration Thresholds in mg/l
Ammonia (as nitrogen)
Arsenic, total
Cadmium, total
Chromium, total
Copper, total
Cyanide, total
Lead, total
Nickel, total
Phosphate (as phosphorus)
Mercury, total
Silver, total
Suspended solids, total
Zinc, total
      (2)   The total surcharge shall equal the sum of each of the surcharges applicable to the waste in accordance with the formula below:
SC = 8.34 x Q x (Value of Parameter - Concentration Threshold) x K/1,000,000
SC = Surcharge for parameter
Q = Volume in gallons
K = Cost factor for parameter
      (3)   Cost factors shall be established by administrative order based on toxicity, impact on sludge disposal, pretreatment program goals and on costs for treatment. The strength of any sewage subject to surcharge shall be determined quarterly, or more frequently as the borough or the City of York shall determine, based upon sampling and analysis by the borough or the City of York or its designees. However, the borough or the City of York may if it so elects, determine the strength of the sewage based upon the results of routine sampling and analysis by the producer of such sewage or the results of analysis and flow from previous quarters or from the results of analysis and flow of sewage from similar customers.
   (B)   Methods of measuring volume for surcharge purposes.
      (1)   Whenever a person purchasing all water used from a public water provider discharges all sewage to the POTW at one point, the volume of water purchased shall be used as a measure of the quantity of sewage discharged.
      (2)   Whenever a person obtains water from other sources or claims that alternate means of disposal reduces the volume of sewage discharged, or whenever sewage is discharged at more than one point to the POTW, the borough or the City of York shall require the person to install at his or her expense a meter or meters, as may be required to measure the volume or volumes of sewage discharged to the POTW at the point or points of entry. All meters or other measuring devices installed or required to be used under any provision of this subchapter may be tested or inspected by the borough or the City of York or by its designee whenever deemed necessary by the borough or the City of York. The owner of the property upon which such measuring device is installed shall be responsible for its testing, maintenance and safekeeping, and all repairs thereto shall be made at the property owner’s expense, whether such repairs are made necessary by ordinary wear and tear or other causes. Owners shall test and/or calibrate meters in a manner and at a frequency satisfactory to the borough or the City of York.
(2006 Code, § 18-212) (Ord. 2010-1, passed 12- -2010) Penalty, see § 51.99